thats cool, it took exactly 7 days to get there, i looked it up on the ups web site, so i hope to get it in a week or so, and to think i was gonna **** to get free ****
its 12 am sunday morning, i look up my repair to find i have a new serial numer, when can i expect my xbox to be returned? ( it took 7 days to get to the center in texas) i might get it before halo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
my xbox broke 3 weeks ago, i got the box in 3 days. i sent it out on wensday the 29th, it took 7 days for it to get to the repair center. it hasbeenat the repaircenter for alomost 2 weeksnow.are they gonna email me like the last email said it would when its done? and whats the chance of gettin it back before halo 3 comes out. (I live in MA)
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