If you could choose between a game where you are a tank and have to destroy other players(multyplayer) or where you are all soldiers? Would you even consider playing such a game? (something like real-time Worms game). Edit: It's a 2D game, top-bottom view. Multiplayer, tanks(or soldiers) are moved by the keyboard, and each player uses a mouse to control the "aim".(Mutiple mice in a single computer). Split-screen up to 4 players. Or more if you have more than one screen.
God does not condone homosexuality. Both testaments say that. Because it's in direct defiance with His comandments, it defies Him. That's why He destroyed to whole cities (one of the many reasons). There are not many verses on Homo in the Bible, the 3 I can remember are: 1: Noah invents wine and get's drunk, Ham sees him naked(some might interpret it as rapping his poor drunk dad). Ham get's forever cursed by God. 2: Destruction of Soddom and Gomora. (Wicked Homo cities, violent, sadistic society). 3: Paul rebukes sodomyin Romans chapter 8, verse 18+ (if my memory doesn't fail me). But considering that other sins are mentioned much more often, it seems as God hates all sins alike. If you rob or go homo you're sinning just as much. There is however the verse that says(something like this): If you offend any of My people(My creation), it's better that you drown yourself so you won't offend them no more. Sins are all sins. God LOVES the sinner but HATES the sin. The worst sins that God hates and really abominates: * A proud look * A lying tongue * Hands that shed innocent blood * A heart that devises wicked plots * Feet that are swift to run into mischief * A deceitful witness that uttereth lies * Him that soweth discord among brethren Non of them include soddomy. So Homosexuality is a sin, but not as bad as the ones up there. So next time someone get's judgmental on gays, remind them that they too are sinners in sins worse than homo. I really do not like homo and think it's something horrible for a man to fall into. But we all have problems, and should respect each other.
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