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Eeeeeek!!! I'm 17 tommorrow, i'm not excited i'm freaked out! That's almost 18 which would mean I was legally an adult. Freaking weird! I'm like the most childish person in the world. For example I actually got a Doctor Who poster for my birthday. Well I haven't got it yet but my friend always tells me what she's going to get me.

17 is a really unimportant birthday except for the fact that I can now legally get a provisional driving license.

16's better. At 16 you can buy ciggarettes, buy a lotto ticket( and scratchcards) and have sex.

I don't do most of those things anyway but the point is I could if I wanted to. The bad thing is I waste far to much money on scratchcards. I think I have a problem.

I can't remember what you can do at 18 except drink alcohol. Hmmmm...

Well completley of the point, I was reading the newspaper earlier and there was this story about these three 16 year olds that beat up a man because they were drunk. So now the goverment wants to make the drinking 21. But this kids weren't 18 anyway so how does that make sense? Pubs serve underage kids anyway. Half the 6th form at my school spend their lunchtimes down the pub. I spent mine watching high school musical at my friends house. See childish!


To help me accept that summer is over...

A quiz I stole........................

This Summer Have You...

Been On A Boat?: Yep
Went To The Ocean?: Yep
went to the movies?: Every week without fail! It doesn't rain inside.
Been on a Plane?: Yep
Worked out? Nope of course not.
Partied too much?: Possible

Summer This or That..

Flip-Flops or Barefoot? Barefoot
Beach or Pool?: Pool. Sand is evil.
Ice cream or Snow cone?: ice cream. I've never had a snow cone.
Bug-Bite or Sun Burn?: Sun burn. It would mean there was sun.
Hang With Friends or Family?: friends.

Best of Summer..

Movie: Knocked up or Hairspray.
Fashion: I only got to wear my summer stuff in portugal other than that jeans and jumpers. :(
TV Show: ummmm.... Nothing except dvd's of One Tree Hill and GG.
Concert: Lost Prophets. :)
Song: Crush Crush Crush by Paramore

This Summer who.

Made you laugh?: my friends.
Let you down? no one.
Lied to you?: I'm sure someone has.
Stole your heart?: nope.

What did you look forward to most about Summer?
London trips with my friends.

During the summer did you party or relax more?

did you set/accomplish goals this summer? No I was going to work but I just never got round to it.

Did you make any new friends?

Did you sleep all day and stay up all night?
I may have. Yes.
What was the best way to keep cool during the summer?
Going outside.

What's your favorite food to eat during the summer?

Did you learn something new this summer?

What did you learn?

True or false: This summer was better than last summer.
I had more fun but last summer it was sunny.

Do you already have plans for next summer?
No I don't organise that far ahead.

School tommorrow. Yay!!!!!!!!!!! I'll hate it again in three days but for now I really want to go back.


Happy thoughts.................

I have decided that I moan to much. I find it so incredibly easy to write and talk about what is going wrong in my life.Then when I'm really happy about something I find it hard to express. I don't know if that's normal, but I have never claimed to be normal so I guess it doesn't matter.


So anyway from now on I am going to be Miss. Positivity. I have a good life. School starts soon and I could not be more excited. I get to concentrate on four subjects that I actually enjoy and I can forget everthing I have ever learnt about Trig. Also I never have to speak French again unless I actually go to France :)!


I'm still the same girl that spends hours watching Gilmore Girls and never gets bored of it. I still listen to my music to loud and I still spend so much time on the computer, it's crazy.


I have learnt to accept that everything changes and memories are good but I can't live my life in them. We all have to change, or else we'd be boring. I will always be my own person, no matter what. That's just how it has to be. Maybe I have made some bad decisions but they just leave room for good ones to be made again.


I ramble way to much as you can see. But on the plus side not one mention of the weather in this blog.Imagine that.


School starts in 3 days and it's my birthday in 17 days! Happy!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Results. :-)

I got my GCSE results this morning and I did pretty well considering I thought I was going to fail everything. I got 3 A*'s, 7 A's and 2 B's. The B's were in Art and French which I thought I failed so thats good. I got an A* in Chemistry which is weird! Anyway this isn't really a blog i'm just very happy!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Summer.... London....Stuff......

I haven't written a blog in a while and i'm rather bored so here it is.

Summer has been pretty busy so far even though the weather has been rubbish.

I went to London the other day which was good as it is my favourite place in the whole world. Well, I haven't been everywhere but I don't think anywhere could top it. Me and my friend made it our mission to use every type of public transport avalible to us. We went on the train, Used the underground (which was traumatic, but I'll go into that later.), Went on a double decker bus and had an extremly short trip in a black cab. Well the black cab trip was short because it's expensive so we had the driver take us to the next street. The Underground was bad. Don't get me wrong I love it, but my friend is really claustrophobic so she tends to freak out. The journey from kings cross was really busy and she started hyperventilating so we had to get off two stops early and walk. She calmed down though and was fine on the way back.

We went to Covent garden to watch the street entertainers which was fun. Then we took the tube to Camden market which is my favourite place ever! I would buy everything they have there if I was rich. It sells the weirdest things, you can have you future read and it has really great food from all over the world. Then we just walked around the centre of London for a bit and gave money to tramps, as you do. We also counted the number of building cranes as there was an insane amount. I actually took a picture but I can'i find it. We didn't really go anywhere else as we had no money because we spent it all on the bus and the cab.

August is like party month with my friends for some reason most of their birthdays are around the same time. As they are all turning 16 they keep throwing big parties. Now i'm generally the sensible one that tells them all to control themselves but I seem to have lost my mind this summer. I've done things under the influence of alcohol that I would never normally do. This is going to stop because its not the sort of person I want to be. From now on the old sensible me is coming back. I'm just going to blame it on the stress of exams and the rain. I blame everything on the rain.

Anyway I'm going to go back to school and willbe a super nerd.

Providing I get good results that is. I find out what I got on Thursday, so that should be interesting.


Babble. :-)

Well i'm back from portugal and I survived! :o

It went fairly well and the sun was great, I nearly even have a tan. I've noticed I talk about the weather way too much in my blogs, so I am going to try and cut down as it is really not that interesting.

Anyway back to the holiday. The only major drama was yesterday on the way home when I lost my passport. My whole family flew in to a panic and after about half an hour of searching the entire airport they were all ready to leave me behind. When I decided to check my bag one last time and there it was. My parents were not happy. Understandable I guess.

After this little dramaI kept my passport in my hand and studied it in great detail ( I was very bored our flight was delayed.) Well on the front it says The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. This answered a fairly boring question that had been bugging me. What's the difference between the UK and Great Britain? Well now I know. But who cares?

This blog has turned in to a random ramble. So I will stick something else in here while i'm in a blog writing mood. I get my exam results in 18 days. If I don't get the results I want I can't stay on at school for 6th form and I will be forced to become a bin woman or a pot washer. Maybe I am being little overdramatic but the situation calls for it. I have to get atleast 5 A* to C's including English and Maths to stay on. English could be a problem. You probabley don't care about any of this but It helps me to sort things out when I write them down. Anyway back to whatIwas saying I took exams in Maths, Statistics, English Language, English Lit, Biology , Chemistry, Physics, History, Geography, French , Art and R.S. I don't expect to get higher than a C in art and french but I want higher marks in everything else. If I got a U in anything I think I would have a meltdown. I want to take History, Geography, English litand Biology next year so I have to pass them. :(

BORING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I have finished now.


Procrastinating is fun... :-)

Well I probably should be packing but I can't be bothered so........ I am distracting myself with pointless things like this Quiz!

1. Who is the last person you held hands with?
Ummm..................Well I can see this is going to be one interesting quiz already.

2. If you were drafted into a war, would you survive?
It's doubtful. I can't survive a game of volleyball.

3. Do you sleep with the TV on?
Sometimes by accident.

4. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton?
Milk = Yuk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I have drunk other drinks out of their cartons before.

5. Have you ever won a spelling bee?
I have never entered one.

6. What is your longest fight with one of your friends?
I avoid conflict.

7. Have you ever stuffed your bra?

8. Are you afraid of the dark?
No I love the dark.

9. Have you prank called someone?
Yes but who hasen't?

10. Who can you always turn to?
My friends.

11. When is the last time you took a bubble bath?
I don't take baths.Sitting in your own filth. Yuk!

12. Who was the last person you hung out with?
ummmm.... people.

13. Are you drinking anything right now?
This cool fizzy orange stuff from Tessco's. It's basically bottled sugar.

14. Who are you thinking of right now?
Bob. I don't know. I'm thinking of who I could be thinking of to answer this stupid question.

15. Do you talk in your sleep?

16. Have you ever flown a kite?
Yep on Dartmoor it did not end well.

17. What do you want for Christmas?
World peace! :) I don't know yet.

18. Do you know the muffin man?
Yes, we are close friends.

19. What are you looking forward to?
Getting my exam results! yeah right. I don't know this one either. Doing this quiz is fairly pointless as I am not actually answering any of the questions.

20. Have you ever crawled through a window?
Yes it was a mistake.

21. Have you ever eaten dog food?

22. When was the last time you went swimming and where?
A long long long time ago when the sun was here. I could swim in a puddle now if I wanted to.

23. Have you ever eatin green eggs and ham?
No. Do they exist?

24. Any cool scars?
Not cool as such...

25. Have you ever asked for a horse?
No. I wanted a dragon though. :)

26. Plans for tomorrow?
If it's not raining I will walk to my friends. But it will be raining so nothing probably.

27. What's your middle name?
Pass..... :) You would pass too if you had my middle name.

28. Missing someone right now?

29. When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
I don't really say that. Ever.

30. What are 3 things you always bring with you to places?
My Mp3 player. My phone. Chewing Gum.

31. Do you like or have a crush on anyone?
Not really.

32. Who did you last hug?
Who knows.

33. 2 things about the opposite sex that you first notice?
Eyes and If they can string an intelligent sentence togeather.

34. Last person you talked to on the phone with?
My Boss. Exiciting.

35. Last time you ate sushi?

36. What song are you currently listening to?
Avril Lavigne - When your gone. It's on the radio.

37. What was the last thing you ate?
My microwaved Baked bean and cheese sandwich. It's nice I promise.

38. Where is your phone?
Next to me.

39. Is there something you want that you can't have?
A money tree.

40. Have you been in love?
I don't think so.

41. Where was your last date?
Cinema. Original I know.

42. How often do you talk on the phone?
I avoid it at all costs.

43. Last movie you watched at the theater?
Harry Potter.

44. What do you want?
What in general? I don't know.

45. Who do you hope reads this survey?
God, Santa, My mum... I don't care.

Well that was entertaining. I'm actually going to go pack now.

Family holiday's = BANG!

Well I'm off to sunny Portugal on sunday.

The upside = The sun

The downside = One whole week off intense family time:cry:

It always ends badly we are good for about a day and then the petty arguments start. Then by the end of the week noone is talking to each other. Our last "family" holiday ended with my dad punching the light switch in the hotel.

We get back home and we go back to basically ignoring each other so it's all good.

This time might not be as bad considering we all have seperate rooms.


One room. Four People. Bang!

Anyway wish me luck.


Where's the deviled eggs when you need them?

I only seem to write blogs when i'm angry. I promise i'm not always mad, but I am now.

Well I am going to tell you my sad tale.

I was walking to the bus stop which is literally a mile away because I live in the middle of nowhere. Anyway it was sunny when I left but half way there it began to pour with rain, I mean buckets not just a little! Well I was wearing a white t-shirt and it got completley drenched, that is never a good situation. Next this old guy in a white van drove past me and he honked and whistled. By this point I was not a happy bunny so naturally I stuck my middle finger up at him. Childish I know but I was wet and cold.

The story continues after I went home to get my coat. I got further to the bus stop this time and the rain was even starting to slow down. But then I saw a familar looking white van driving towards me. This man obvisouley a gentleman decided to drive into a puddle and splash the muddy water all up the side of me!

It is times like these when you wish you had a box of deviled eggs handy!


Festivals= Fun....

In my previous blog I was moaning about not getting to go to the music festival. Well I did go in the end, I went before I had to go to work. It was wicked. Good music, strange food and my best friends!

This blog is short and sweet.

This is a link to one of the bands that played at the festival. They are not signed or anything but they are awsome. I brought a T shirt because they are just that cool. :)

Crazy cool is my favourite song!

:) :) :) :)

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