1. Are your parents married or divorce? married
2. For how long? I don't know
3. How old are they? 40 and 41
4. Do you think heaven exists? I'm not sure I'd like to think it does
5. Ever run away from home? nope
6. Favorite place? London
7. Favorite time of the day? 6.00 am
8. Favorite website? myspace, youtube or here.
9. Would you ever have plastic surgery? nooooooooo...
10. Are you homosexual? nope
11. Ever kiss someone of the same sex? nope
12. What do you wear to bed? Whatever..... clothes
13. Ever done anything illegal? not majorly
14. Been arrested? nope
15. Fired a gun? NO
16. Shot someone? Yes with the gun i've never fired.
17. How many illegal drugs have you tried?zero
18. Did you get caught? no
19. Hair color? brown
20. Short or long?longish
21. Eye colour? green
22. Favourite saying? Whatever floats your boat.
23. Ever wore pajamas to Cl@ssor work? at lower school when it was book day.
24. Do you like The Lord of the Flies? nooooooooo.... it is pure boredom but i read it anyway.
25. Do you like The Lord of the Rings? ummmm not really
26. Harry Potter? hell yeah!
27. Future childrens name? hmmmmmmmmmmm.... no
28. Do you snore? nope.
29. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? no they freak me out.
30. Do you like to sleep in?no but i don't like getting made to get up either.
31. Gold or silver? silver. Gold = chavtastic
32. How long did your longest phone conversation last? i don't time them but not long.
33. With who? who knows.
34. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Skittles!
35. Ever go scuba diving? nope
36. Ever change a lightbulb? yes
37. City, Beach or Country? City
38. Sleep with your bedroom door open or closed? closed
39. Where did you eat last? ummmm... breakfast in my kitchin.
40. Are you allergic to peanut butter? no thank god.
41. Are you an artist? i like to paint but that doesn't make me an artist.
42. Musician? ha.... no i wish.
43. Athlete? hahahahahahaha.....
44. Bookworm? yep
45. Writer? not really.
46. When's the last time you cried? i dont know
47. Why? i don't remember
48. Do you read other people blogs? yep
49. Do you talk in your sleep? nope!
50. Window seat or aisle? window
51. Ever met anyone famous? i saw the queens hat. My friend gave her flowers but i'm just not a good crowd pusher.
52. Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life? If it ended now i'd be rather dissapointed.
53. Twirl your spaghetti or cut it? cut it
54. Are you ticklish? not really
55. Ever bite someone? maybe
56. Ever push all the buttons on the elevator? yes it has to be done
57. Ever makeout in an elevator? no
58. How long do your showers last? a long long time.
59. Are you self-conscious? yes.
60. Ever have a crush on a teacher or coach? Yes.If you saw him you would understand.
61. Ever drunk so much you threw up? once it was bad.
62. Do you drink alcohol on a regular basis? not really. sometimes.
63. Do you smoke? No thankyou. I'd rather stab myself repeatedly in the eye with a fork.
64. Smoke a pack a day? why of course. no.
65. Do you drink alot of milk? yuk.
66. Ever stay out all night without getting caught? I've tried and failed. I just can't lie.
67. Have you ever given money to a homeless person? yes many times.
68. Have you been in love?NO
69. Do you bite your nails? no...
70. Have you tried sushi?no
71. Escargot? Yea we had a competition who could eat the most. I won.
72. Caviar? nope
73. Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? nope
74. Police car? nope
75. Fire engine? nope
76. Ever had the chicken pox? yes.
77. Can you tango? haha no.
78. Ever been to Niagara Falls? nope
79. Europe? yes its the only place i've ever been.
80. Germany? yes
81. Africa? no
82. Mexico? no
83. Last gift you received? hmmmm...........................
84. Last sport you played? let me think..................... tennis maybe I wouldn't exactly call it playing.
85. Been on a blind date? nope
86. Dated someone with more than 10 years age difference? nope
87. Been fired?kind of i quit and got fired at the same time.
88. Thing you spend a lot of money on? clothes, CDs and DVD's.
89. Where do you live? England
90. Where were you born? England
91. Last wedding attended? I've never been to a wedding. I've worked at them though.
92. Have you ever been married? haha. no.
93. Divorced? no.
94. Most hated food? Apple Pie!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Devil.
95. Last person you text messaged? my friend.
96. Saying what? It's rather long you don't want to know.
97. Favorite regular drink? Ice Tea!!!!!!!!!!!!
98. Favourite person? Santa.
99. Least favourite person? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....
100. Current Crush? hmmmmmmmmmm....:P