I've actually thought of a line up for this game to on my own. We have some of the same characters. Here is my list along with a special move for each of the characters. Master Cheif - Halo Spartan Laser Arbiter - Halo 2 Dual Energy Swords Marcus Fenix - Gears of War Lancer RAAM - Gears of War Tickers Commander Shepard - Mass Effect Normandy Strike Banjo Kazzoie - Banjo Kazzoie games Golden Feather attack(Immunity) Grunty(the evil witch) - Banjo Kazzoie Games Flying broom Red Castle Crasher - Castle Crashers His special attack from the game Blue Castle Crasher - Castle Crashers His special attack from the game Bastila Shan - Knight of the old Republic Battle Meditation Darth Revan - Knights of the old Republic Force Choke Razputin - Psychonauts Mind Control Mech Warrior - Mech Assault Rockets(he's also a mother **** mech) Frank West - Dead Rising Crow Bar Joanna Dark - Perfect Dark Grenade Sam Fisher - Splinter Cell Invisibility/Flash Bang Snoopy - Snoopy's Flying Ace Red Baron Fighter Hero - Fable Magic Cooper Chance - Grabbed by the Ghoulies Turns into a Ghost Cryptosporidium-136 - Destroy all Humans Incinerator Main Character - Crackdown Rage Shu - Blue Dragon Blue Dragon Ryu - Ninja Gaiden Throwing Stars Riddick - Chronicles of Riddick Laser Gun What are your thoughts?
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