Well for me
it's the fact that when I go online I can't hate something and wind up into forced fandom and lose rights to speak my mind.
How my gender is treated like immature bratz with role models that are total sexists
War in Iraq
George Bush is letting our society crumble(no offense to republicans or those who like Bush)
The corrupt medias on tv(Bratz anyone?)
The fact that online we can't speak our minds in a forum
Someone of my age can't watch something good like FullMetal Alchemist because of the ratings system and is stuck with kiddy crap like Mr Meaty(which actually isn't that much of kids show at all and thankfully I have the net)
The fact thatI feel like one of the few people in my school who actually has a brain and would not rather goof around,but do well in school so I can get a nice job and buy a nice house
Americananime censorship,seriously if you have to magle it to the point where no one knows whats going on,why bring it here let alone import it?
That classics die and garbage lives on
That people are becoming more and more selfish
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