Continued from part 1....
6.Codename:Kids Next Door
Childish and boring,trys to be funny with fart jokes and fails miserably.Episodes liek S.P.R.O.U.T,oh god what's the worst that could hapen if you eat a vegetable?Youy aren't going to die(unless it was poisonous)but apparantely,anything that's not candy must be that to them.
5.The X's
Ok where to start.Well this is exactly what you get when you removee the CGI elements and otherwise clever plots from The Incredibles,add American Dad and Power Rangers,put em in a blender and you get "The X's" the most pitiful animatedfamilydrawn on paper.Sure,the concept may sound good on paper,but when it becomes an actual show,nadda,zip,bumpkiss.The characters have as much brains as a ham sandwich left in the back of a fridge for 14 years!And oh look,this show has given birth to a new crap show on CN called "The Secret Saturdays"
4.The Buzz on Maggie
I fail to accept that Disney got rid of Ducktales,Goof Troop.Darkwing Duck,Bonkers or all those other shows that got Disney their positive reputation for this.The characters are cliche'd,the concept is stale.In fact thanks to this,it has given birth to many of the low standard cartoons of today
3.Mr Meaty
Oh come on!Puppets?Nice work Mr Hopely,you created an insult to the arts of ventriloquism and puppetry.I like the concept of the show,but then I found out it would be filmed with ugly puppets when it was already bad in Crank Yankers.Worst Nicktoon period!
2.Squirrely Boy
Ugh,Mr Peck had created Duckman which was bad,and now this.He must like making depressing shows.Ok Andy is a loser,so is Rodney and so is his dad.Everyone on the show looks like they were thought up in a singe second.They should just leave Rodney to be road kill that's the only thing he can be.It makesGym Partner look good!And I haven't laugghed in any one of the episodes for that show!
And now for number 1.Drum roll please!
*Drum roll*
and the nominee for number one is.........................My Gym Partner's a Monkey!
Why you ask?Well it has corrupted kids.Ok,itmakes kids think they have no one to turn to when they are stuck in a jam.Poor Adam has no friends because Jake loves his big @$$hole more than anything,the little pervert.Ifeelsorry for Adam.He gets beat up every day by that shark kid,Jake gets him into trouble,his friends can't help him,nor can the principal for being a greddy @$$ who only worries about getting sued.(Oh no,get Adam human food or he'll sue us!And if that happens we could lose district funding!)Plus if they alrwady know he's a human,why won't they bother getting him back in his old school?Where are Adam's parent's?If I was trapped in an animal school,I would've told my parents and they would try to get me out!Every episode of this is thirty minutes of worshiping your @$$ and immature potty humor.In terms of humor,I'm sure we already had a show like this that's already insanelyfunny called,I dunno,Family Guy?I swear if you watch it,every second you dowill make you lose2% of your brain cells(sorry zorran1,rusty005,passtion,etc)