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Music everywhere I Go

I cant believe that I'm nearing my 20th birthday. I'm finally leaving my teens and inevitably becoming an adult. Throughout all these years, music has always been one of my main motivations. Hardcore punk has formed me into the type of person that I have become. Ever since I was 12 years old and heard Pennywise, I was instantly hooked. The years have passed, friends have been made and lost, but the music remains. I grew up differently. I didn't listen to the stuff on the radio(I didnt even know what was on) but hanged out with my crew who shared music from bands who played with their heart and for pure fun. I guess that as I grow older, the music will be the window to my past.

I love you Stephen Murray!! Stay strong bro!

I can't believe what I found out today. One of my long time favorite BMX riders Stephen Murray is paralyzed. I cant even imagine his situation; he's got two young kids and a wife that he's looking after. I had to donate some money to his foundation. If anyone reads this blog, PLEASE take a look at Stephen Murray's youtube video which shows that traumatic experience that changed his life. It definitely will have a deep impact.

Growing up with a controller

I was reading a member's blog entry about Retro gaming, when I came to think about all the gaming moments throughout my life. My very first console was the Super Nintendo that my dad bought me. I still remember the times he would sit with me and watch me play with Mario and Yoshi as a franctically tried to pass and stomp on the enemies. I also remember the joy I had when he played Pac Man with me at the local laundromat. He was damn good at it too. Those were some of the best memories of my father. He's not perfect, but he's been a good dad. Now Im all grown up, have responsibilities, and have to earn a living in this crazy world. But, like the younger years, video games always provide a great outlet for fun and friends.

The PSP keeps getting better

It's been more than a year since I got my hands on a sexy PSP, and I think it's one of the best handhelds I've ever owned. I have a good game library (GTA: Liberty City Stories, Burnout, and MGS:Portable Ops, to name a few) that I sometimes play around with and serves as the main attraction for the handheld. But, what I most love about the PSP is the various entertainment functions it can also so handily perform. Video, Audio, Internet, Radio, Photos, and even Phonecalls for those that are lucky to own a newer PSP. I'ts everything else that this handheld does that really makes me attached to it during short periods of free time at work and home. Yes, there are better portable Video and Music players out there, but they don't have the ability to play games of the quality of the PSP. Plus, there's something esthetically pleasing with the design of the PSP that makes me love this handheld so much. I hope that 2008 will be a great year for the PSP and the PS3 and that Sony Entertainment will keep rolling out awesome support and updates for both systems to keep gamers like me happy.:)

Crusin' on my Xbox 360

After I get off of work, I usually have many things that I could do, but recently I've begun to chill out in my room and play on my 360. I lay in my bed and start playing some casual games like Skate. or Burnout; the type of games that aren't too involved but nevertheless much fun. I can't wait untill GTA 4 comes out, and I can spend hours upon hours of crusin' the city and causing mayhem. Still, there are times when I feel like getting into a fight, and I'll jump into a free-for-all match of Call of Duty 4. BOOM!!BOOM!! YOUR DEAD, MY FRIEND!!!

R.I.P HD DVD; Here I come Blu Ray!

Now that Toshiba has dropped its support of HD DVD, it looks like I can finally choose safely on blu ray as my HD movie format. I'll happily get a PS3 as soon as possible, and of course, Resistance: Fall of Men!!!! Can't wait for Resistance 2!!!

The 360's Big Annoyance

Okay, even though I enjoy the great number of games that are available for the 360, there are some annoying issues that I have with the overall experience I have with this console. First there's Xbox Live. I'm currently a Gold member, but where are the "real" Gold member benefits? Yes, there is online, but its a shame to consider a one week advance in downloadable content from the marketplace a Gold membership benefit. It's pathetic. I have yet to see anything significant in this regard. Another annoyance with Xbox Live is the requirement to pay for gamer pics and themes(especially for games that you already own). We shouldn't have to pay for gamer pics! It's rediculous! The amount of money one could spend on content from the marketplace is shameful. Another flaw that I have seen is the inconsistent Xbox Live service. I REALLY wanted to play my 360 online after getting back from a long, tiring Christmas trip, but I couldn't no thanks to the guys of Xbox Live and their inability to foresee the certainty of a surge of online users during the holidays.

Even with so many flaws and annoyances, Xbox Live can still be great multiplayer fun. It has grown to have some good content like free downloadable demos and videos that keep gamers excited and entertained. Still I think Microsoft could do a lot more to satisfy their HUGE customers and Xbox Live members that support it and lay down hard earned cash for the all to often high priced items.