benjaslehi's comments

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@bwvictorious Well, it all depends on everyones tastes and preferences.

I didn't play Resident Evil or Monster Hunter on Wii, I spent time with Smash Bros, Mario Galaxy, both Zeldas, Metroid, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, you know, most of the 1st parties, like in every Nintendo console.

Also, I don't play the same amount of time that I used before, if I spend 2, 3 hours a week playing, that's too much, hehe.

If you look at my games list on my profile you can also see that maybe I have some "limited" or "strict" tastes for games, I have a lot of PS3 games that I haven't even laid a finger on because they're not what I'm acostumed to, maybe I should change that a little bit.

Anyway, I was only expressing my point of view, I don't want to offend anyone or change their opinion.

Have fun playing everyone!

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@phbz @bwvictorious Nah, I've been playing since I was 5 and I still have all my consoles, from the NES to the WiiU, and as long as I have my job and the money, I'll continue to buy all of them.

Maybe the companies should focus more on the quality of their products, it's not my fault that the 360 had the RROD and the PS3 the YLOD...

And don't worry phbz, I have a girlfriend.

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@Warlord_Irochi Nah, I'm not a fanboy.

In fact, I'm already on my 3rd 360, my 4th PS3 and my 1st Wii, I just think that this generation all companies made their consoles more defective, I remember how I only had to buy 1 Xbox, 1 PS2, 1 Gamecube, etc.

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Edited By benjaslehi

@warhawk-geeby I think (I don't want to offend any fanboy) that people keeps buying both the Xbox360 and the PS3 because this generation both consoles sucked.

In my case, between my brother and I we had to buy 3 360's, not because we wanted to upgrade the hard drive space or because we liked more one of the new models, but because the RROD and some other problems with the hardware.

Same with the PS3, the lens of the 1st one stopped reading all discs, the 2nd one got the YLOD and now that my brother moved each one has 1, so that makes 4 PS3's.

On the other hand, I only had to buy 1 Wii, and before anyone starts saying "you only had to buy 1 Wii because you never played it" or something like that, let me tell you that I spend the same amount of time with my Wii and my PS3, the 360 being the console that I spend the less time on, and being the one that malfunctioned in a shorter period of time.

As I said, this is my personal opinion and I'm not taking any console said, as I have all of them.

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@Warlord_Irochi @SauhlGood @murderek @PixelAddict Nah, 107,000 people having to replace their console for the 2nd, 3rd or even the 4th time because it sucks so much that you have to replace it every year.

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When will they make an AC where I get to play as Jesus??? I think it would be awesome if he and the apostles were the founders of the Brotherhood, he would be the ultimate badass assassin!!!