Once again, I'm late, I know:p But yeah, it was good. Really good actually. Loved everything about this game, nothing about it disappointed me, other than the fact that my laptop kept on overheating (lol) and would sometimes shutdown in the middle of the game. But yeah, the story, the musical score, the voice acting and, of course, the graphics were all incredibly well done. I wish I had been part of the Infinity Ward team that made this, I would have felt like I had really accomplished something. Admittedly, the story was a little blown out of proportion at times (I mean, terrorists having access to nuclear warheads that can kill 41 million Americans in the next ten minutes?? come on), and the game did kinda seem a little racist towards people of Middle Eastern background (just shut up and play the game before you argue), but it was still well-done. Could've been longer though lol... a lot longer, seeing as how I beat it all in one day:p Solid 9.5/10 from me.
BTW, I returned Sins of a Solar Empire.... hard to say if it was good or not, since I didn't get past the extremely boring tutorial, but from what I did get to play, it just didn't seem like my kind of game....