haha nothing much is happening that was just a random title that i thought would get some people to read my blog. This is just an update on how trhings have been goin with me.
Well I started my first year of High School about a week ago and its AWESOME my voice has started to change and everything like that. High school is totally different to what i thougth it would be. Im having fun in all my classes and lookin forward to the school boys Rugby League.The Rugby League season is starting soon and im keen to smash some people in the tackles. Ive also changed my opions for modded weapons in Borderlands I dont mind them anymore because people have been changing them so they dont lag the game up badly but that doesnt mean i use them i still play the game without any modded weapons because it makes it more challenging and fun. My b'day is coming up soon so the next game i'll probably be getting will be Modern Wafare 2 but if im lucky i will get a new phone because im yet to find the one i lost but im startiung to think that one of my cousins accidently thought it was theres and put it in there bag.
So yeah thats basically all thats been happening wif me.
Beo Out!