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Finish Him!

Today I finished Bioshock and Fallout (yes, the first one), both on PC. I finished the former in "The Good Way", saving all little sisters instead of harvesting them, in Hard mode. Pretty good game. And difficult. I will write a review after I finish my second run, now killing all the lil' girls to see if anything changes (I assume so, as [spoiler] Tanembaum wouldn't help me, and you wouldn't save the sisters in the end [End Spoiler]).


As for the latter, I've played through not quickly enough to save some towns, and did it in the "shoot everything that moves" way. My char had Small Guns, Barter and Speech as tag skills, and Finesse as the key perk. A very high weapon skill comboed with this perk gives about 60%-70% of criticals, dealing a LOT of damage. It was hard though fight the master, as some energy or big weapons would've been more efficient. Had to quick save and quick load a lot, but I managed to get through. I will start the Fallout 2 soon, but I have Red Alert 3 in the queue...