It would probably be best to take it back. Remember that the store wants you to be a happy customer, so if you are not satisfied, they are likely to try and help you out. Have them put their ear right up to it and emphasize that this could be the beginning of a much larger problem.
berserker85's forum posts
1> no, you must hook your modem to a router, then hook your ps3 and computer, etc into the router (I assume it is a cable modem). I suppose that you could leave the computer hooked up as it is, but you need to hook up a router to you modem and then your ps3 to the router.
2> yes, SD will work just fine
The RPD and M60 are not ridiculously cheap. If you don't like that the weapons are actually realistic, as opposed to artificially weakened, then play a different game. The M16 or AK are just as deadly as an M60. Only a bad carpenter blames his tools for a poor product. A good player could easily defeat any other player, regardless of weapon, if they had good enough skills / tactics.the RPD and M60 w/ grip are ridiculously cheap... they're completely unbalanced
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