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#1  Edited By berto64
Member since 2010 • 12690 Posts

Sony as a corporation is Japanese but also international since its obvious. PlayStation as a brand in part of Sony is Japanese but the PS4 ? being designed by an American.... good one... it's Japanese by name ( Sony and PlayStation) but also American due to it being designed by an American and parts it uses are from American, Japanese and other foreign countries so.... International ?

It's a good question and even it made me think myself but if it can be called an International video game console then that suits it well.

just my opinion anyways

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#2  Edited By berto64
Member since 2010 • 12690 Posts

Killing Floor 2, Bioshock Infinite, Far Cry 3 and 4 to me.

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#3 berto64
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PS4 7/10

Great console, current first party exclusives lineup is alright... just waiting till it blows up with Uncharted 4 and Horizon and here i am waiting for Gran Turismo 7. other than that apps are fine but i just use the PS4 for gaming since PC can do everything else. but again needs more first party exclusives then the score will go higher.

i'm also a PC gamer but i mostly play multiplats from 7th gen , PC exclusives and indies on it but 9/10 anyways.

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#4 berto64
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I own the Alienware Alpha right now. and i can agree with the others the Alpha is one of the best out of the selection. I have no problems with it, runs games quite well and the CPU, RAM, hard drive and wireless card can be switched out and upgraded. I have the base model now but i"ll upgrade its CPU sometime soon and add another stick of RAM when I can.

The downside is that the Steam Big Picture mode will only play games with full controller support (duh) but i own a game such as Test Drive Unlimited 2 and it says it needs a keyboard and mouse to play but it does have full support of the controller so I don"t get why some still can"t run on Steam Big Picture but other wise if you like gaming on desktop then go for it. now the Steam machine version , I guess the selection of games will be lesser than the current Windows 8.1 version . I got no plans to swap it for SteamOS but i"ll buy the Steam Controller whenever its released.

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#5  Edited By berto64
Member since 2010 • 12690 Posts

I been a console gamer for much of my life , however after a few months of owning a PS4 and seeing Sony releasing disappointing exclusives and having PS Plus being the mainstay for online gaming and now having the user paying a subscription like what MS does to Xbox Live since the original Xbox, empty promises like the Drive Club issue and realizing that i am just spending a wad of cash on video game consoles that go obsolete and feeling the same as the last gen and i"m honest apart from now recording video, taking screenshots and uploading both to whatever social media site or Youtube for videos and streaming gameplay on Twitch, Ustream and Youtube in which anyone can do that on a PC. consoles are still playing the game of catch up and always will be. like others said before me, PCs will always advance forward and consoles will stick behind and that"s the truth. PC hardware advanced every 2 years on average and every 5 years we need big leaps in technology . I became a PC gamer recently but been following it for years now and i decided that the 8th gen may be the last gen console i"ll ever own and use and when gen 9 comes ? i"ll become a full fledged PC gamer and sticking to it for as long i play video games.

after all PC has more games, features, freedom over consoles so to your question. i"ll continue being a PC gamer, sure i began this year but if i was typing this saying 2 years from now i will say this like i am now. so there.

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#6 berto64
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Nuking the entire Middle East should be the last thing the world should do. it may solve the issue of war but environmental issues at hand will create other issues but again that's far from the topic.

To stop Hamas. Israel needs to find all its leaders and either kill them or capture them and have them tried for war crimes for what they done to the Palestinians and Israelis. maybe Israel needs to do one final operation to wipe out Hamas once and for all. have Mossad find out where Hamas head honchos are at and then kill them or capture them and have the IDF defeat Hamas and maybe the whole conflict between Palestine and Israel will end and then talks can be done. but the rest of the middle east. i agree the violence will never end. there are 300,000,000 radicals estimated around the world. so how can we reach them all ?

Search and Destroy... and yes have a nuclear attack against the key areas that host radical Islam part of the plan to end it once and for all.

or we can just form a coalition between Islamic, western and Asian nations to wipe out every radical . sounds like a good idea... I guess.

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#7 berto64
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The term "militarized' does police have tanks ? does police have APCs like Strykers, Bradleys armed with machine guns ? answer is no. does police have Black Hawks or other helicopters with military armaments ? nope . but sure SWAT officers have M4s, M16s, SMGs, tactical shotguns and other tactical equipment that looks paramilitary but they're not in a form like they're soldiers fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. SWAT officers are armed to respond to high risk situations. from barricaded suspects, heists, school, hospital or any other type of mass shootings, counter-terrorism and riot control (even though there is riot control units in many police departments across the country). they surely arrive and use armored vehicles but does that make them "militarized" ? no it doesn't after all even with high powered equipment and tactical vests etc, they still are doing law enforcement work in their jurisdiction. but i do think there are those officer that cross the line, department and officers not working under protocol thus may need to do more training. there are many great cops that do their jobs but those that tend to take it far, then maybe they're not fit for the position as the best in the department to handle such situations. in all i do think there should be more training for SWAT officers and re-teach them protocol etc. but if there is a cop that goes out of bounds, then that cop should be withdrawn from SWAT and be posted in another position suited for the officer. if the officer commits a crime on the job then yes deal with him entirely....

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#8 berto64
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And here we go with the gun control discussion...

guns are not the problem... it's the person with a messed up head obtaining a firearm somewhere and shoots up a school.. i'm pretty sure he either got the gun illegally or must have got it from home. (like the Sandy Hook shooter). anyways our country has a mental health system that needs to be revamped and also parents needs to be parents and teach their kids to deal with problems the proper way and not resort to shooting a person to "solve" the problem. i think many of us can agree that there are parents that don't take care of their children and have a child going mentally insane over teenage drama and ends up shooting a place. parents needs to be parents and start taking care of their children and teach them proper values and if a child seems disturbed ? get him or her some help before any more tragedies like this happen. so yeah..

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#9 berto64
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Unless if you love censorship of the Internet and media, lack of human rights and don't love freedom then Russia and China is for you. other than that nope. U.S is a great country and i love it regardless of the problems this country faces but no country is perfect.

U.S > Russia > China.

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#10 berto64
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I got the PS4 with Battlefield 4 and Killzone Shadow Fall a few days ago, i wished i had got one more game but couldn't but i will be buying Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag, The Last of Us, Metro Redux, Diablo 3 Ultimate Evil Edition, NFS Rivals, Dynasty Warriors 8 Complete Edition and other games on the PS4 over the next few months.