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One Year Later 5/6/2007

Well, don't know if anyone will be reading this.  But I stopped back - and probably will be back more.  I have been a true Lostaholic and having fun turning others on to the show.  I have friends that missed the whole first and second season so I converted them over Christmas.  That was great.  A marathon Lost weekend and they caught up to season three thanks to some dvd's I have been recording.

In my real life, I have had a lot happen and don't know where to start.  People have died, others have not, jobs have changed, things have been fixed in the house, other things are still not fixed.

Guess the most fun this weekend was enjoying the sun and planting the flowers and tomatoes for the summer.  I love sitting in the yard with the music playing, the dogs trying to get my attention and the sun on my back.  Wheeeee!

See you all on the Lost forum! 


A couple months and here I am

I have not blogged in a couple of months. Been to my other favorite Lost message board and hanging out there. And then....when I tried to sign back on here...I couldn't. I couldn't remember the password I signed up with. Sigh. But, got that organized and am back. I came back for the LOST chat room, was on for a few minutes and now have an emblem. I will visit it again but it sure was chaotic. But fun. I enjoyed chatting real time. They should leave that up all the time so we can hop in and out of it when we want. That could be interesting. Lost is really rocking and rolling these last two weeks. I sure wish there weren't so many Season ONE reruns. ARGH!!! I just really like to see the new episodes to keep the memories fresh from ep to ep.

2006 and onward!

We spent the day relaxing. After getting thru the Christmas holiday season in retail, this is a very special day. To not have to get up and do anything, go anywhere, speak to anyone - it is a nice relaxing day. I love that word...relaxing. There are not too many of them, but today was a good one. Hubby played with new electronic toys trying to discover how to set them up, get them running and recording and such. We got about 85% done. We can record on our dvd recorder, we just haven't quite figured out/mastered the editing of it all. It will come though. Our tivo is working mighty fine and I am happy with this new found toy. Someone told me after getting tivo I won't go back to regular tv watching....that my habits will change. It is kind of interesting, because I think they are. Already I am thinking in the manner of 'what can I record and how much longer do I have and where can I get this upgraded'. To be able to record things at 3am and not worry about setting the vcr up and such is great. I surprised my husband by recording a few reruns of Smallville and Monk for us that were on in the wee hours of the morning. It was fun. I also completed something today that I worked on all weekend. CLEANING. I hate to clean and organize, but I made it my goal to have certain areas of the house cleaned and straightened. One was my desk where the keyboard and computer are. Two days ago it was a mass of bills, papers, tissues, bags and junk. I went thru and pretended I was on the 'clean sweep' show and did the save, toss and file organization. Then I went a step further and actually filed stuff! It is nice to see the wood of the desk beneath me. I hope everyone had a good new years day and day after. I did!


Well, Cindy and I have noticed before that we have many things in common. Sleeping dogs, sleeping hubbys, dansko clogs and even our couches. I am going to post a pic of a dog I rescued and you tell me who it looks like.  Now he doesn't have the hair things in his ears, so he doesn't look like the most recent pic of Josie. But I thought that Dusty and Josie could be relatives. Maybe not twins, but related.... Dusty is a dog we rescued and are fostering till our next door neighbors decide to take him. Probably about 24 hours. He is a sweetie and is very very mellow. Much different then the Merc and Tigger tag team. In fact, having him stay with us, I had forgotten what it was like to have a calm dog. Dusty comes from a family of four dogs and two women. They can't rent a house with 4 dogs, so they had to find homes for 2 of them. My supervisor took the two younger ones and Dusty was one of them. Then she realized she couldn't handle 2 dogs, but wanted a good home for Dusty. The little guy will be settled in his new home - permanent home - this weekend. He was given a letter from his Mommies and all his shots and has been neutered. He is a catch. The neighbors lost their dog a few months ago, to old age and have been looking for a new dog. I think it will be a great match and they will meet on Saturday. My kids and Dusty get along great, after the initial 'who are you in my house' talking that Merc gave him. They are all out on the couches now. Its a great life!

No Second attempt

Well the tv/dvd/recorder/tivo sago goes on. We didn't look at it last night, we went out to dinner (much more fun) and went to buy cables to help the endevour. After gagging at the prices at best buy, we went to target and picked some up. Got home to late and went to bed. Tonight is visit with relatives night. Only tonight its my side of the family. My brother is coming in from Westerville OH. (yes books, westerville) and my Dad is throwing a late christmas Dinner for us all. My husband for some reason is not happy about this. Maybe because he doesn't like greek lamb. Maybe because he wants to be home working on the electronic boutique in our living room. Sigh, well I am sure it will be a nice night anyway. I see my brother Sam about once a year so I am excited. He is/was my big brother and he was the one that protected me from the bullies. I remember him chasing one guy down that mocked me. We were all playing hide and seek and the kid rode by on his bike. I was the searcher and was counting. Sam came running out of hiding to grab the kid by the back of his collar and pulled him off the bike and told him not to say things like that. Wheeee. Yeah for the little guy. Or gal that is. The ugly duckling. My brother stood up for me. It was a moment that I will always remember. He is an artist and taught me how to paint. He was also willing to camp in the backyard with me and the family cat named Fartalot. (and he did) Heck he was the one that held my head the first time I drank too much, WAY too much and puked in the frat house toilets. We won't say anything about it being HIS frat house that got me in that state. Anyone remember their first hangover? well, I never drank till college, so no hangover (or way to judge too much imibing till too late). I am sorry that we haven't been as close since he got married. But he is happy and that is what is important. I am thinking of the happiness and love that We3 and her brother have and they are in my thoughts. I know that I could always count on my brother to stand beside me and cover my back if I needed, even if we are close, we are family. We know that. Yep, I will have some fun tonight, even if it is not electronic fun.

No Tv and no Beer make Homer something something.....

No tv and no beer. Hubby was not able to get the DVD recorder/tivo/TV all to work within each other and to play. Hubby came to bed a little something something.... Second attempt is tonight. He was able to get the DVD to play, but all we hear is sound. No pic. OR, we could get the TV channels on but not the DVD...something was not right. Please cross your fingers tonight, you all (everybody) and Thanks!!!

Not quite a Bicycle.....

We didn't get anything quite like a bicycle for christmas this year. But we did get a 'put it together, stay up late and then have it all fall apart when taken out for its first ride' kind of gift. We got a tivo box. My husbands sister and spouse decided this was the perfect gift for us. Yeah!!! My mind went immediately to LOST and what wonders I will be able to see with it. The hidden things in the backrounds, the slo mo watching of a Sawyer smile, the computer >:I face. Oh boy! Well, it sounded good anyway. Hubby has been too off his sleep cycle thanks to retail work to have put it together. So I tried today. Hahaha. Everyone laugh with me. Now, I put my computer wires together and got it working so I thought this would be easy. Blue wire here, green wire here, yellow where does the yellow wire go? There is also the added problem of a gift that we bought ourselves for christmas. A DVD recorder w/vcr. So we can take all the vhs tapes and make them into dvds. And have more space. And move into this new century of ours. Well, I tried is all I will say. And lucky for my husband, everything is now OUT of the boxes, instructions have been read, wires have been unwound and shelves have been dusted off awaiting his awaking and after he has some home cooked crockpot stew. Yep, its all ready for HIM. Me, I mangled it enough to know when to stop. I remember getting a bicycle for christmas one year. And I rode it up and down the long hallway in my victorian home. Because there was too much snow to actually be able to go outside and ride it. Everything worked fine, except according to my Dad, the rubber handle protectors (with the long strings of glittery stuff hanging from them) came off. My Dad says he fixed it with Duct tape. Not unusual. Everything was fixed with Duct tape in my house. I have the Duct tape ready for my husband. And also a nice beer. He should do fine. I will report in tomorrow on what we watched tonight!

It will all be over soon.....

I hate days like yesterday and today. Yep. I have been thinking about the fact that in 24-48 hours all the good cheer and warm fuzzies will be gone and life will be headed back to normal. Yelling at each other, pushing each other and not thinking about helping in the spirit of the holiday. Bleh. I enjoy the warm holiday glow and the anticipation of watching people as they open presents you have gotten for them. And I'll admit, the fun of getting things from people. Especially when it is the 'right' gift and not just a nice scarf or sweater that doesn't fit right. You know, like a Lost tee shirt or Lost related book or something. But it will be past soon. I think the one thing that keeps it going for me is the fun of Gift cards from people. That means in Febuary I can go shopping again and it will be like Christmas all over. The shoving to checkout and the pain of over crowded parking lots won't be there...but thats good. I have a ham ready for Sunday morning and some greek holiday bread set so we are going to do the lounge around in bed and get up when we want and have a relaxing holiday day. Merry Christmas to all (everybody)!!!

Happy Festivus!

It's that time of year again. Time to get out THE FESTIVUS POLE and prepare for the feats of strength. Are you ready for the airing of grievances? Don't let your loved ones off the hook, it's time to pay the piper! Nothing says "Happy Holidays" like a bare aluminum pole. None of that messy tinsel, shiny ornaments or lights. It's all about minimalism - no gifts, no songs and certainly no yuletide cheer. Forget the carols and the cookies. Let me air my grievances and dig into a fruitcake so hard I might lose a tooth, or two. Give me that good ole' non-denominational fake holiday that originated from a television sitcom and somehow became part of the December holiday tradition. Give me a Festivus for the rest of us... Anyone that watches Seinfield knows what tomorrow is - the Festivus day! December 23rd. Georges Dad Frank, came up with this holiday and it is explained as a day to air grievances for the family. Festivus was Frank's answer to the commercialism of the other December holidays. Highlights include the Festivus Pole, Feats of Strength and the dreaded Airing of Grievances... The Festivus pole is now for sale. Someone got smart with a good idea and marketed it. For just $37.50. That's 6 Feet of ALCOA Aluminum. It meets Franks Festivus criteria. Now I mention this because I live in Baltimore. And we have recently been having some problems. A string of aluminum pole thefts that have plagued the Baltimore region in the past weeks. Yes, missing poles. The 30-foot-high aluminum light poles have been dissapearing from Baltimore area roadways as of late, a crime which is baffling authorities. It has been discussed with authorities the increasingly widely held suspicion that the thefts are related to the approaching Festivus holiday and its unprecented high profile this year. Maybe the Baltimore authorities will have a few grievances to air this year. Happy Festivus to all!!!!

Happy happy joy joy!!!

I am a very excited gal. August 5th I was in an accident that totalled my truck (my 4 month old truck) and I had my license suspended (but not arrested and no tickets and no mug shots). So for the last five months I have been trapped at home, begging rides and have the most patient husband ever. TODAY, I had three wonderful things happen to me. First, I received in the mail a letter from the MVA saying that I have passed the MAB (medical advisory board) and can go get a license. YEAH!! Second, I received in the mail my LOST fan club kit. THIS IS REALLY COOL!!! I encourage anyone looking for some fun LOST stuff to join up. An awesome black tee shirt with a pic of Kate and Locke as they stood at the hatch in a neat design with the numbers all around them. A black oceanic airlines nylon tote/bag, a great membership card in the form of a airline ticket and then the photos. Photos of Sawyer and Locke and Kate. Ohhhhh!!! There is also a dvd I haven't explored yet and some other stuff. Then, third great thing - I went to the DMV and got my license again!!! WHEEEEE!!! I am free!!! I can drive legally and with no problems!!!! YEAHHH!!!!!! oh, and maybe a fourth - we went to Outback for dinner, to celebrate. I love Outback, just can't afford it all the time. We figured it was a treat for a special day. Had some melt in your mouth filet mignon. Oh yeah. That is how meat should taste. and a fifth - since we are on a roll here, we bought a vcr/dvd recorder. So all my season two Lost vhs tapes can go on dvd. And all the other vhs tapes taking up so much room can be altered to dvd too....if we can figure the darn thing out! Wow, this has been a great day!!!