We seem to have way too many console wars on just about any topic that deals with companies dissing other companies, fanboys of one console raining on the parade of another and people who can't take honest opinions without trying to bait people into TOS violations. I'm not interested in being a suck-up to GS; I have my dignity. I believe GS needs to disable comments on ANY topic that could lead to a console war by the users. You've had too many of them in the last year and yesterday I got slapped with two violations when other users baited me by insulting my intelligence. I've been a gamer for 25 years. If some fanboy can't take my honest opinion without attempting to bait me then what's the point of having rules? I'm not going to have some teenager take shots at me. Either disable comments on certain news stories or have a moderator post a sticky saying: You will be ticketed with a TOS violation if you attempt to bait or demean a user.
As for trolling, it's not going to stop unless you do something about each camp coming into another camp to take shots at a console. If I come over and say that I question Nintendo's business practices but do it without being offensive, that shouldn't be a concern but if I'm being attacked to the point that I have to respond, again, the mod should quickly cover it up before I read it.
So, in closing, I think you need to ramp up the moderations and punish baiters at any commentary page that might involve a topic that could lead to a Console War. I don't know why GS is desperate for hits but this place is quickly becoming a magnet for console wars and it needs to stop. GS doesn't seem to be doing anything to abate it.
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