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Indians Vs Red Sox & Salary

Well Game 1 is over and it was not what I thought it was. Sabathia was absolutely pathetic while Beckett..was Beckett. This game I have said would determine the fate of the series and unfortunately, it went against the good guys and the "other" Evil Empire won. I highly doubt the Good Guys (the Indians) can come back and win the series but there is always that hope. I know from experience that while Boston is the media hopeful, no one outside of Boston or New England wants to see the Red Sox in the World Series because of the fact that they, as much as they say they are not the Yankees, are the exact same as them as they only throw out money to get talent.

Teams like the Indians and the two teams in the NLCS, Arizona and Colorado, are doing it all on pure scouting and player development. The Red Sox are AS PATHETIC as the Yankees. If the Indians lose to the "other" Yankees then I pray for the NL team to win the World Series. However a part of me still thinks we can defeat the Second Evil Empire and show that spending money does not make a championship.

If the Red Sox do win, it is just goes to show how MLB NEEDS a salary cap and other things so that baseball can be like other sports where most of the time you get new teams competeing for the championship every year. Otherwise you are going to have teams in the AL East like Baltimore, Toranto, and Tampa Bay fighting from the beginning of the year for third place.

I still think my Tribe can defeat the evil Red Sox and I know most of America wants that, if we do that then we can brag about doing it with a 60 million dollar payroll against Boston's 200 million. But the odds of course are against us, although we did do it to the Yankee's 260 million dollar payroll. But we have all young players, where do all those young players eventuall go...That is right New York and Boston (cough Manny Rameriez).

Steriods is not killing baseball, the lack of a salary cap is destroying America's Pasttime.