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bhabyBENCH Blog

This coming elections..

Here in the Philippines, elections are coming. This monday, Philippine time. Senatoriable elections. I'm not yet a registered voter but I have a feeling that the programs against cheating won't work..  It's not that I don't have faith in the people there.. No wait.
I DONT have faith. They've been there and even before the official counting of votes there were already reports of cheating in the provinces.. Well, hope that the people voting won't make the wrong vote. And I also hope that people counting won't be corrupt.

Please pray for the success of these elections ^_^


Don't you people think that newbs can get so demanding these days? In online games they'll ask for buffs and then start throwing bad stuff at you.. It's not like it's our obligation to give them stuff. We can only guide them. They should earn things themselves.

To all the newbs that I'm talking about... Bleh.

That's all ^_^

I have to level up..

Still playing FlyFF and I MUST LEVEL UP!! Currently 75 and 52% T_T I don't really know why the heck I'm posting this.. But heck!
I really really need inspiration! And damn, exp is soo slow!! My billposter's a lil weaker that it should be -_- How sad..

Every monster gives me .05%!! Nuuuu... Need.. more.. patience.. If any one play pFlyFF I'd be really happy if you help me! :lol:

That's all for today, I guess..

bhabyBENCH, out!

1st blog

Awright then! This is my 1st blog here in GameSpot. So yeah.. I never did have any creativity to write anything useful. But wth.

I am a Filipino(and I'm proud to be one *not always.. SORRY*) But I'm literate don't worry..^_^ I'm not much of a gamer, but I do like challenges. ^_^ I'm an MMORPG addict. Maybe because I just love the game plays and I just love meeting stupid retards who play the game too.. My latest MMORPG is FlyFF. So you'll find me in that forum. That's all I have to say right now..

Now.. How do I close this? :lol: