I don't get what all the fuss is about the game play is fine for me. I like the slower combat and game modes its certainly is no ryse but well done. I think most people with frame rate issues have a slower Internet i have 100mb down 25 up and have no frame rate issues. You must take time to play single first learn and upgrade your character first. Let's be honest no Ubisoft game has ever been trouble free. It's a unique game and combat system.
bharris291 Blog
Mafia iii Disapointment
by bharris291 on 1 Comments
A long time mafia game lover and played 2 with all the DLC's:
What a disappointment mafia iii was it didn't have a story like ii did. It had Repetitive missions over and over. I got very bored after the first 8 hours of gameplay. mafia ii you couldn't put down and wanted to know what the next mission was. You also wanted revenge and payback this game I couldn't care less.
Halo Reach
by bharris291 on Comments
Got some quick tips in Reach post them:
I cant wait to get my copy everyone is saying its better then 2:ODST and the Forge map builder is better.
Anti Semetic Remarks
by bharris291 on Comments
I'm finding more and more ill remarks by players towards Jews, Muslims Blacks, Chinese. I never used to hear these things when playing on-line games in the past. But lately therehas been a upsurge in these remarks. I wish there was a complaint for Racism in Live.Com, Ubisoft and other gaming front ends or services. There is for profanity, rudeness, team killing etc. People that make these remarks should have some penalty assigned to there gaming names. I find this mostly in the younger crowed. Is racism spilling over into the gaming world. We hide behind our game names with no consequence's to what we say.
Cant we all just get along and game with some respect and dignity.
Godfather 2 Unlocks
by bharris291 on Comments
I cant find all of the leval 3 guns anyone have a map of the cities with there locations. Like i was able to get in GTA..?
I dont understand all the ad review of this game. I thought it as good, fun, enjoyable to play. Prince of persia was to me a game that was repettitive to the ninth degree. I took different ways of robbing banks, Taking over business, changed my team. Thought was a good mix for the game.
I did find it buggy sometimes and the game speed not constant though. But i have found many games like that with better re views.
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