First of all, this is a great thread.
It answered a lot of questions I had on the PS3.
However, I am a bit confused and would appreciate some advice on the following - I live in the United Kingdom. A friend of mine is travelling to the USA in a few days time and I was wondering if I can get him to buy me a PS3 in the US.
The doubts that I have are :
1. Will a PS3 bought in the USA work in the UK? - I know that there are differrent formats like PAL and NTSC but I am not sure wether they apply for the PS3 as well.
2. If I do manage to get a PS3 from the US, will I be able to play PS3 games bought in the UK - I read about the reverse (i.e PS3 games made in the US that can be played on a PS3 bought in the UK) in an earlier post, but I would like to know if the opposite is possible.
3 In the same way, will the US PS3 also play BluRay DVDs from the UK?
4 Finally , which version (20 gb,40gb etc) should I get? Are the versions with higher hard disc capacities worth the money?
The main reason for all this is that as far as I know, the prices are almoat equivalent in the US and UK i.e,
if the PS3 costs about $400 in the US , it usually costs around £400 in the UK; and the current exchange rate is almost 2 dollars to the pound, which means that I will be saving a good deal of money.
Thank you
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