Hi guys,
Thank you very much for your replies. :)
What resolution do you play at? But im guessing its mostly cause of the graphics card, but you should consider upgrading ur cpu like you said, it'll help some but not as much as a gpu upgrade.kakishi1
I'm usually playing at 1280x1024, which is the native resolution of my LCD. I must note that bringing down the resolution to 1024x768 and especially to 800x600 improves the framerate noticeably, but, then again, the overall quality gets not very pleasing.
get one of the new AMD quad cores or Intel ones that are going to come out...Your cid cards till has lifeendtype
Quad-core is indeed what I was aiming for from the beginning -- I didn't want to waste money on dual-core just to replace it with quad few months later (but I needed to upgrade from my AthlonXP 2400+). Unfortunately, I still can't find reliable information if such quad-cores for the AM2 socket (that I have) have been released already or, if not, when (and if) they are going to be released. As for the Intel, they do seem excellent performers, indeed, but are pricey, and, most importantly, that would mean also an MB change, which will be too heavy on my pocket, I'm afraid. But thanks for the idea, anyway.
You NEED a cpu over haul!!! Get a AMD X2 3800+ or higher and you should be ok. I would get a HD 3870 after you get enough after the CPU.LouieV13
Yes, if it would be a dual-core, than perhaps even 6000+ or at least 5600+. As for the ATI, hmmm... I've always been an nVIDIA fan, but, then again, perhaps I should check at least once the "dark side". ;)
Even though GPU gives better performance in most games than CPU,that Sempron is the border between low-end and crap-end,get new CPU first,i'm assuming you have a 939 or AM2 rig,so get X2 4200+Indestructible2
Yes, it's AM2, indeed. Well, as I mentioned above, if not quad-core, I'll try to get at least the top level dual-core -- I'm not very happy doing upgrades often. Then again, I might just wait for the AM2+ (or even AM3) processors, if I find the patience. :)
yeah new CPU should be your priority in this case. filmography
CPU firstwklzip
Thank you very much again, guys. From what I heard, it'll definitely be a CPU upgrade. I just have to decide if I can wait more for new processors from AMD, or I'll just jump on the train with their latest ones.
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