So Im finished with my several week vacation from Gamespot! :D I hope you all didnt miss me to much ;) Im ready to do some posting! Well Ive got some things to say, first off is Bioshock. I just beat Bioshock yesterday and I absolutely loved it. The atmosphere, the amazing story, and the moral choices made it a great playthrough. I had some nitpicks with the combat but its one of those games that doesnt have to have great gameplay to be a great game (If that makes since, I feel the same way about Silent Hill and Fatal Frame) So yeah overall I give it a 9.0/10, could have been higher if the combat was better. Another thing thats been going on is our school musical, "Beauty and the Beast" Ive spent pretty much all week practicing my auditions (Its 1 monologue, a song from the musical, and a dance number) Its been pretty tough but I think Im prepared. Tryouts are still one week away so I still have plenty of time to polish it up a little bit, its my dance number thats starting to throw me off, but other than that I think Im good :) What else, Ah yeah, Mafia II, I should be getting it in the mail tomorrow, and Ill be damned if I dont! Considering thats my only free day this week :P I had some pretty good hype for this game, I played the first one and thought it was pretty good, and after seeing Gamespots 8.5 I should be fairly pleased. Once I heard it was story driven I already knew I would like it :D Well I think thats it for this blog.
20 days 6 hours 5 minutes and 46 seconds until Reach comes out. You can say Im pretty excited!! :D