I don't know how to overclock so I would rather spend the 40 dollars and not have to worry about overclocking. Can you send me a link to this heat sink stuff? I haven't build a computer in ages and the last one my dad did most of it. I am not too up to date will all of this, especially the lingo. All input is greatly appreciated. Is what you're talking about the Windows xp mode? http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/products/compare So you reccomend the EVGA X58 mother board over the ASUS? EVGA - http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5376741&Sku=E145-2062 ASUS - http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=6666331&Sku=A455-2996 What is a good mobo? Also, does the evga offer triple channel while the asus offers only dual channel? I am so sorry to need so much clarification. I am a complete scrub at this.
Could you recommend a processor to me that would have around the same power? I've been using http://www.cpubenchmark.net/high_end_cpus.html To rate processors as well as video cards. You've been so helpful so far, thank you so muchh! I am a Intel lover so going with AMD is strictly to save money so if you can just tell me what would be good to run it for around the same price or cheaper that would be super excellent. Sadly I am a novice in knowing what you need to have to max settings and what not.
If I knew how to hyperlink them I would in a heartbeat. If you can tell me how really quick I would be more than glad to change it. Thank you guys agian :p
EDIT* Is this the right video card? It's about 60 - 70 dollars cheaper http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814133326 I have realized the pennies do add up though. She doesn't have a keyboard. She does have a mouse, and the monitor will be a 19 inch flatscreen thing I got at black friday bestbuy a few years ago, I have 2 sitting at my feet at the moment.
Okay I will look into that. Other notes. her parents are helping her for Christmas and aren't as comfortable money wise as mine. So 1000$ might be too much, that's why I am trying to minimize cost and get the most bang. My other computer thread is for mine, which I have money to spend out of pocket as well as parents. For her I went with the AMD 6 core because it was comparable to the i7 950 kind of. I will research more video card options though. I just want to make sure she can run max settings. So should I go less on the video card and heavier on the ram, how about the motherboard. Just overall judgment on the computer parts I've selected. Thank you guys for your time again!!!!! I am personally an Intel lover, but I have realized AMD is more money efficent if you're pinching pennies.
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