Max Payne.
Adapted from one of the most loved PC Games in video game history, Max Payne centers on the title homicide detective (Mark Wahlberg) who's wife and baby were murdered three years ago. When the sister of deadly mercenary Mona Sax is killed, along with Max's former partner, he suspects that there might be links between the cases. His investigation takes him through the gritty, drug fueled underworld of New York to solve the case with the help of Mona (Mila Kunis), his boss BB (Beau Bridges) and an Internal Affairs officer Jim Bravura (Ludacris).
It will break the heart of Max Payne fans to learn that this derivative action film has separated itself significantly from the sty*e and enjoyment of its video game equivalent. Rumours that Mark Wahlberg refused to play the game are evident from his detachment from the iconic character. Max Payne has always embodied the characteristics of the hardboiled detective. In the games he remains cynical, tough, tenacious and a highly disturbed figure. Walberg, with his expressions limited to frowning, his lack of narration and snappy pulp dialogue, fails to capture the essence of Max Payne. Inconsistencies, such as panicking and almost crying, seem highly out of character. While Mila Kunis as Mona Sax fails to strike a balance between deadly and desire that a femme fatale should have. Without these Noir elements the heart of the game is definitely missing. Other major characters are either non-existent or have been changed entirely. Jim Bravura was a fat, middle aged, white man in the game. Being played by rapper Ludacris here is a laughable decision for those familiar with the games.
Not only is it highly distracting to see how much of the plot of the game has been changed, but also disappointing that it lacks any emotional impact or mystery. Those who have played the game will be familiar with the twists, and those who haven't won't care enough because of the poor performances. Moore's failure to excite the action sequences too – of which there are only a few and limited bullet-time (slow motion) effects – is another letdown. Visually there are some striking exterior shots of snow-covered New York, which look highly reminiscent of the game's graphic novel. Yet seeing these and other locations from the game makes you smile and remember how much better off you are playing the game rather than watching this rubbish.