I dont think there is much in it between the 360 and the PS3. Certainly not enough to affect how well the game will play. Having said that I have a PS3 and i have been dissapointed with framerate on a lot of games. Sure the PS3 CPU is good but the x360 GPU is excellent. The PC version looks awesome. It makes me a little sad really as I always used to play PC but I have moved to consoles now in order to get a better multiplayer experience. It's never a truly fair game until everyone is on the same hardware with roughly equal broadband connection. Disagree with the comments here about pros only playing pc for exactly that reason. Cheats always play PC.
Running the following system and getting almost perfect performance with Quake 4, FEAR, Battle For Middle Earth 2, Battlefield 2142 Pentium 4 2.8GHz 2GB DDR 3200 MSI Neo2 Platinum ATI Radeon x1650 256 RAM I fail to see why an extra few frames per sec will enhance my experience. Is there something I am missing here? Until I have completed those games I wont be upgrading. Plus, things to watch: Forthcoming GPU integration onto CPU as a standard in multi-core systems. Physics cards.
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