in terms of time spent, im guessing
Morrowind 400+ hours. My friend would come over for the weekend. And we'd each take 3 hour turns on our own characters...and the other would just watch and eat all of my moms food.
Madden 04. Owner mode sucked my life away. this is still my favorite of the series.
Counter Strike. It was the best multiplayer on XBL for a very long time. I would rage at the gods when my internet was down and I couldn't pwn nubs.
Halo 1 & 2. Obvious.
Kotor 1 & 2. Jade Empire. The Xbox didn't have a ton of rpg's. But it had the best rpg's of the generation imo.
Fable. After morrowind, I got so hyped for fable, thinking it would be just as wide open, but living and breathing. I believed every word Molyneux said. So i was horribly let down at first by fable. But I learned to love it for what it was.
Mech Assault 1 & 2 & Crimson Skies
Deathrow. Terribly Underrated game.
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