im not sure, but it seems like the same game. However, the shield grenade is a good idea. Also, I dont see the big deal with the graphics improvements, they honestly don't look all that improved. Technically, yes the graphics are better than halo 2 but when you compare them side to side besides the fuzziness of halo 2, it would be tough for me to differentiate the two of them.
i can't wait to get my hands on the Wii. With the innovative control scheme and interesting virtual console, low price (compared to other systems...not exactly by hardware) and slew of unique games the Wii is going to do very well in this generation of consoles (James Yu comments on the Wii's possible success the best.). However, the only thing about this article that irked me was the fact that one of the editors talked down about the Wii while not having even played it yet. Before you go and say how much your not going to like throwing Link's bow around, why don't you try it (or play the game) 1st. This goes to any console, game or any other thing in this world. Before you knock it try it.
a 6800 ultra is still fine for now, assuming you have a decent processor. Don't buy an 8 series or a 7 series just yet....still to expensive if you ask me...the prices will be coming down sooner than you might think.
The reason this is such a big deal is because E3 is to the games industry as the Oscars is to the movie industry (except E3 is more of a preview than an awards just trying to compare the glamour and hype here not the functions of each event) Imagine what would happen if the Oscars was scaled down to the point were the actors and actreses could only be beamed to the stage though satellite and had to accecpt their award through the mail or something. It would def. change the Oscars forever.
well, first off, just because the game is old does not mean the game is crap. secondly, nhlkoho does have a point about all you vista naysayers. vista is going to revolutionize the way we play games by adding lots of support for 64 bit processors (just to name one) and not to mention a brand new release of DirectX, which is going to make games run much faster and efficent due to its overhaul. Before you knock vista, read about it.
bildo2020's comments