So I just got an xbox one and downloaded n+ which I had on my 360. I was trying to play coop and it would not let me sign in as a guest. I was unable to play coop without a second gamertag. Is this true with all 360 games playing on xone? Is there a way to play coop 360 games as a guest as second controller?
billbradsky's forum posts
I'm split between Wii and Wii U games that I have bought. Lego City Undercover was really fun. New Super Mario U and Luigi U are both great platformers. I also purchased Skyward Sword and Galaxy. Maybe I'm just past the point in my gaming life where I want to play first person shooters. I'm looking forward to Donkey Kong and Smash bros
I'm split between Wii and Wii U games that I have bought. Lego City Undercover was really fun. New Super Mario U and Luigi U are both great platformers. I also purchased Skyward Sword and Galaxy. Maybe I'm just past the point in my gaming life where I want to play first person shooters. I'm looking forward to Donkey Kong and Smash bros
I just said I like the functionality that the gamepad provides to amazon instant videos. It's forward thinking to how it can be applied to games. I don't have cable so if I want to watch something I can use my Wii U. All the xbox music and xbox video and cable and skype are all unnecessary. The two other systems are just boxes designed to get you into their ecosystem. Just like how the ipod was a device to get you to use itunes. The real money for apple came from selling music not music players. Xbox One and PS4 are simply there to get you to pay $60 a year for online and then use all of their other services.
So my most recent system purchases each generation was N64, xbox, xbox 360 and now the Wii U. So why did I buy the Wii U? I just want a gaming system. I don't want to share videos or have a multimedia hub or have a kinnect. The leap in graphics now is just so miniscule that it doesn't matter anymore. I love playing fun games. Nintendo makes the best first party games of any company and they aren't first person shooters to boot. Added bonus, its a Wii also. I can go back and play all the classics that I missed from owning a 360. Overall very happy with the system and the gamepad functionality is really great especially with apps like amazon instant video.
I guess I would also add, does Microsoft save these images somewhere? Could law enforcement issue a warrant to microsoft to let it look at your video if it is saved somewhere? Why would someone put a camera in their home that is transmitting images to some company for unknown reasons? I don't need an all-in-one device. I've never thought, man i just want my xbox to run all day long and change channels with my voice. Maybe Wii U and PC is the way to go now.
I don't want some computer recognizing my biometrics and watching what I do. Where is this info going to? Are they going to detect who is playing and feed ads based on the user? I don't watch very much tv and I have no interest controlling it with my gestures. It's going to be manditory because it will be boxed with the console. No thanks microsoft, I just want to play games sometimes. I had an xbox and I have a 360 and a windows phone but I have no interest in xbox one. All of these systems are going in directions that I have no iterest in.
Thanks! I checked out the screen shots, I think it might be the game. I don't remember any other part of the game other than the racing though.
I remember a long time ago renting a game a couple of times that had chariot racing in it. I can't remember if it was on the genesis or NES. Does anyone remember this game or am I going senile at 30?
This game isn't half as good as battlefield 3. Even bf3s beta was better than this beta. I had no intentions of buying this game in the first place and this beta jus sealed the deal. With all the great games coming out and the bf3 expansion packs there is no reason to buy this game. Nothing about it is better than bf3
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