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My Wii launch day

Yes this is about a week late but hey It's still a pretty amzing story (thats true)

I was gone for the weekend that the Wii came out so my father was going to pick me up one, but I didn't have a pre-order so my dad went to Future Shop which had recived 60 Wii's and didn't take any preoders. So when my dad got there he found a very large line of campers who had been waiting at the most 3 days in line. The bad news was there was over 60 people already in line, so my dad went to every other store and found none left. He then went back to Future shop and entered the line hoping that someone would not be able to pay or something (very unlikly) then when the lady who must have been the maneger counted and my dad was number 61 :(.

My dad still stayed eventhough everyone behing him left and the maneger kept on saying he wasn't going to get anything.

When they started to passout the flyers that garented you'r wii the maneger stoped at my dad and reilized she had misscounted and that he was number 60.

After that they came around asking what people where going to get , scince my dad was at the back when he asked about Zelda there was none left :(

But once he was at the cash register the person asked him If he would everything he was looking for he said he was trying to get a copie of zelda but there was none left but the person checked and guess what they found in storage that had fall down.......ZELDA

So thats my story and first blog post I might make another but I did this one's a pretty hard to beleve story but it is true

Thanks Dad