Yeah, I'm a junkie. I'd tried EQ for a while, and nothing ever really... stuck. You know what I mean, the whole experience was shallow and unfulfilling. Run out. Kill monsters. Gain Exp. Level up. Buy better stuff with which to kill more monsters. Repeat, ad nauseum.
But a while ago a friend let me use his 10 day trial of WOW. This marketing strategy is, in my opinion, the BEST idea ever. If not for this I probably never would have paid for the game, and never would have realized what I was missing. Now I know.
So today I was at Wal-Mart looking for a way to go spend some money. Hm. All of the sudden I see "Gamespot's 1994 Game of the Year" staring me in the face for only $39.98. Yeah, okay that was fun, I'll get that. I got almost to level 20 in just 10 days, so f'shure. Lemme just pop up this vein here and get the needle ready. MMMMMmmmmyeah. Woo. Ah. Hmmmmmm. Oooooooooyeaaaaaaah.