I find my time is massively limited these days due to work and stuff, so end up prioritising/ignoring so I can spend a decent amount of time on a game and get the full kick out of it. But for me, it's less genres that I ignore (although I did give up on racing games a long time ago in favour of RPGs and platformers) and more about ignoring individual games - I try to focus on just one at a time. The theory is that it also saves me money...
billynomates86's forum posts
There'll be loads of DS games released for quite a while to come I expect - just look at how long PS2 games kept coming out after the PS3 launched!
I'll be jumping to get a 3DS, mainly because I'm so curious about playing about with the new technology...
It would be cool - streaming not downloading - just to match up against the other console's entertainment packages. Any love for the iPlayer channel on here at all...? I quite like it!
I haven't had the time to game much this week at all :(
But I've never had a shortage of people to play GE online - there always seem to be a lot of available games to join. Just not many on my friend code list. They're all off playing GT5. Or waiting for it to load ;)
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