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RPG Deprived

Ah, I love my PS2.  I've been pumping so many hours into RPGs that I'm loosing days in the week.  I have Alter Code F, and I have about 17 hours into that so far and now I went out and purchased Front Mission 4 (which reminds me of my all-time favorite PS2 game, Ring of Red) and I'm addicted.  I've had it for 4 days now, and I've already got 21 hours into it, 9 hours of which were the first day I bought it.  I just could not put it down for anything.

I did want an xbox 360, but now that I have this, that can wait until the price goes way down.  I think it'll be atleast until the end of summer until I run out of games to get for this bad boy agian.

But all this being said, the Dreamcast still rules!

Yeah, PS2

Alright, I finally saved up enough money to buy another PS2.  I had to sell it a few months back because of $$$$ problems, but I have one now, haha.  All those RPGs that have been calling my name, I can finally play them all.  I bought the PS2 with Wild Arms Alter Code F, and Ace Combat 5.  Both are fantastic.  Of course, Wild Arms is a walk down memory lane for me,and I love it.  Everytime I listen to the intro music, I get chills, OH YEAH!!!!


Anyone reading this, do not play Darkwatch.  The gameplay mechanics are rock solid, but the gameplay and storyline are abysmal.  It is almost like playing Gautlet: Dark Legacy in First Person.  Of course, Dark Legacy was alteast a little fun. 

Work, Why

Here I am agian, at work, and loving it, haha.  All day just think of what game to play when i get home.  Right now I'm quite enjoying Need for Speed Most Wanted.  The only problem is that I already have the car I wanted unlocked (Lancer Evo) and i have trouble getting ambition to race the rest of the game.  Sigh.

Gamespot Admins are douch bags

They seriously sent me a warning for posting a forum for computer stats under the PC page.  How @#$%ing stupid.  They said "this is not the the place for posts like this", well where the @#$% would be a better spot than the PC page.  OMFG!!!