Silent Hill, on my fourth attempt. Basically to sum up the reasons I didn't watch it successfully before.....
1. Girlfriend was over and I was not in the mood to watch a movie :)
2. Blockbuster sucks and didn't give us the DVD in the case, which we didn't realize until they were closed.
3. My mom sucks and made me come home right before watching it.
4. I got to spend the night and FINALLY watch the damn movie!
I thought the movie was actually pretty good, it was freaky as hell. Especially the little girl, I'm not going to explain why for people that haven't seen it, but I would say the movie is worth watching. Tonight I saw Stay Alive on my tv too, decent scary movie, I would say it's the "scariest" PG-13 movie that I've watched.
Also I hit up EB Games the other day. On Xbox I bought Cel Damage for $5, Redcard 2003 (which I've been trying to find for a while) for $3, and MOH: Frontline for free because EB had the "Used Xbox games buy 2 get 1 free" thing going on and it was normally only $3.
More good news for me, today I started work again so not too long before I get a digital camera, then 360, then Wii. w00t w00t 8)