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What A Week

So this week has been one of the busiest not busy weeks I've had in a long while. Its not that there was a lot to do, its just the things I had to do took a lot of time.

First things first, I had three job interviews this week. In this order; Signs-A-Rama (haven't heard back from yet), Job News (turned down), Moral Welfare Recreation (just had yesterday). And as I said a bit ago I did turn down the job offer from Job News. The reason being, because with what they wanted to pay me (below average) It woudn't have made since to drive 100 miles or more a day, pay for way too much gas and paying for a ton of upkeep on the car. So, now I wait for the other two and try to get others.

In other news, I've been working more at Best Buy. Had 21 hours this week. But, next week hours drop way down...10 hours for the week. But, there isn't really anything that I can do about it. Thursday night our internet decided to go down. It came back up Friday afternoon but it was pretty much unusable. I could get online, but when I tried to click on a link to get somewhere I would finish War and Peace before it got done. But, thats what you get with Insight. And to think all the problems started when they upgraded their system a year ago and caused me to lose internet for a week.

Nothing gaming wise to talk of this week for the most part. Except for the fact that I've been playing Pokemon Fire Red for the past two weeks. Takes me back to good old days. And of course in a couple of weeks Pokemon Diamond and Pearl drop in a couple of weeks.


Until next time...