If you ever get around to asking Sony a Q&A about the new version of the PSP ask if more games will use the Mic and also ask if Sony ever plans on selling the PSP for the 170 price in more colors then just the black. I own a launch version and this might be a good buy for me but I do not want the same color. I want some thing different. So if Sony starts selling the 170 model in more colors I for sure will buy this new PSP. Plus Great hands on Gamespot this really shows that the new PSP is more different then I first thought. So thanks for the info.
I think if Sony was smart they would cut there losses and have a world wide launch in March. This way no one gets mad having to wait. Plus they could put in the 4x over the 2x blu ray drive. They could even put new stuff in it to be better. They could also use the delay as a way to buy the chips for the PS3 at a cheaper price. That way there could be a price drop on the PS3. So I think if Sony is smart they will delay the system and launch in March for all the places. I do have to say I want a PS3 real bad but I do have to think that if it comes out later it will be better.
Sony is going to take TGS by storm. I am not making a fanboy comment just pointing out that if they do not do that the PS3 will not do well. The Wii was not that big on my list was still worried about play with the controller but now I plan on getting one day one. E3 was Wii's big turn to shine GC was the 360. So the PS3 needs to take TGS or it will start off on the wrong foot and it needs all the help it can get. Even if TGS is not Sony's PS3 place to shine I still plan on getting one. But the PS3 needs all the help it can get. Seeing as November 17 is in just over two months away. So I can't wait to see whats going on with the PS3. Plus I hope Final Fantasy XIII will look Awesome.
I am going to pass on this not my kind of game.Also 60 is a lot of money for a game like this.Other then that hope it is fun for the little kids.I wonder how Rare every came up with this kind of game it is so different then other one's they have done before.
blackIceJoe's comments