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black_awpN1 Blog

Blew my Knee out.

Before I begin, remember the next time that your parents or Freinds ask you to move a giant matress, try to get out of it.

Now that that Public service announcement is out of the way, let me be the first to say my weekend sucked. Oh its was all going smoothly before saturday afternoon, when my Folks asked me to help move some stuff out of their room (were remodeling and we have to clear all teh rooms out.) One of the items was this Queen size matress bed that was a killer moving. We get it out the door and we tehn amde our way to teh side of teh house to set it down. However, their was a Basket ball hoop in teh way (not eh ones you hang from your garage, this had a Base/Pole combo to it.) It ried stepping over it, but I guess I didnt step far enough. I accidently twisted my body, which then twisted my kee (I also tripped on the Basketball Monstrosity) I felt my Knee cap move out of socket, then I fell to the ground. Luckily for me, it didnt Dislocate. Howeverm the Trauma cause Inflamation ti the Knee Muscles, which caused Fluid to build up adn swell. Thus, I have to know where a Leg Imobilizer and walk on crutches till Friday when I go back to have it checked again. So now im hobbling around the house like a Gimped Penguin, and I cant go to work for a bit because my job reguires constant Movement from one palce to the other. (i work Stock at Target.). But teh good thing is I can get people to get stuff for me. (which is awesome.) Hopefully it gets b3tter soon. Anyway, god bless.

The Stupidity of caring about sales...

I am often dumbfounded by the Ignorance of Syestem Wars. Honestly its a place where Intellegence goes to die. We have people bickering over wether or not one version of a game has a Pixel out of place compared to the other version. Or how one maybe dosent look quit as good as the other. News flash: Games are not about wether one version is better looking than the oher or not, they are about how fun the games are. A game can look 100 percent Photo realistic, but if it wasnt fun, it would be crap. THis brings us to the debate on the current gen Syestem Wars right now. People constantly boast about their consoles Sales numbers, when in fact it really dosent effect them personally. ITs not they have a controlling stake in Microsoft or Nintendo, and if the company didnt have good Console Sale numbers they would lose money or something. Lets say you are a 360 Fan and the 360 wins the console war. Sure youd maybe yipee a bit, but after that you jsut move on with your life and never care about it again. Please bring the Intellegence back to Human Socity please.

Just say no. To World of Warcraft.

Well, it finally happened. I did something I swore I would never do becasue I knew I would get addicted to it and it would ruin my Life. No im not talking about Crack, but it might as well be Crack. Thats right, I started playing World of WarCrack-er-Craft. Right now i be only a level 7, but Im sure ill be putting enough time into this Activiblizzard Money amker to level up to 70 in no time. it was very confusing at first, and it still is, but I think im getting used to it. Im a Blood-Elf Mage (atleast thats my main person im working on now. The koo thing about WOW is that you are able to create as many characters as you want, but the catch is you cant bring them to other "Realms" which are basically servers. Which means you better be willing to stick in that server and amke sure your freinds are in that server IF you want to play with them. I think this is quit dumb, but oh well no one listen to Black_AwpN1. After playing Guild wars for about a year and then going to this, I feel like Guild wars is the K-Mart brand World of Warcraft. Its almost as good, but not really. Hopefully i dont turn out like that South Park Episode they had for WOW. "I like Hello kitty island better than this dump"

Better start talkin now.....

Its funny, I have been on these boards for about 4 years now, and this is the first blog post ive done. Normally Im a very talkative guy, but I guess I just havent fallen victim to the sickness that is online blogging. What ever happen to the days of Diarys and Journals? Where the only witness of you writing your thoughts down were you and god. But now that people are blogging their deep personal thoughts, any 400 pound 42 year old Pedifile can now view those thoughts. Now I know Why Nintendo goes through all that crap with the freind codes. 40 year old Pedifiles have a very short attention span and cant be bothered with a complex list of numbers. Good onya nintendo.

Anywho, ill try to update these blogs as often as I can. With stuff like Opinons on games, animes, and other stuff only a minority of people in the world care about. Ha Ha.

I guess I have to post these now that people are looking at my profile, and they have nothing to read when they come here.

Anyway, back to DMC 4 for me!