Well it's about that time for the Next Gen Consoles to be coming out. What are you looking or hoping for in the Next Gen Console? Me i just hope they keep the gamer in mind when making this next Gen System. You know like a few weeks after the console comes out and you got to buy this to run better or buy this to have more space that they forgot to think about before releasing the console to the public. What i hope for is a system that comes with plenty of HDD space or Flash space so we don't have to go out and spend $100 for something that costs $20. And that the new consoles keep in mind that Gamers have HDTV and make the consoles 100% backwards compatibility not just some here and some there. They have all the trail and error the big 3 have over the years so they should be abled to at least get this time around right and not rush the console out the door.
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