Ah, I couldn't believe it. This was the longest day at school in my whole lifeee! I watched at those freakin' teachers --- and it's like blaaaa blaaaa blaaaa... those miserable unhappy faces---brrr! I really tried to stay focused on some subjects like chemistry, mathematics, science, languages [ the worst combination of subjects you can get in one day ] but when it was time for geography... ahhh, I actually can't remember 95 % what she said --- I think she mentioned something about cheating and how we are a horrible class, well every teacher says that.
You know... before holidays started, mathematics teacher came in the class and looked at us : "Somebody's smoking in this class! I know it! You can't fool me!" I mean, what's the matter with her... it's like they don't have anything else to do .. oh, and let's have some fun, we'll come up with the story that one of those students smoke... yeah, right! Nobody's smoking in our class - they're crazy!
And we were studying some ooooooooooold poem that is so booring, I think it was written 1238914723894718927 ages ago... and the teacher said it was modern? Aha...
Well, when I think that I'll have to spend days like this one for a looong time... uh! :( :(
And in thursday we will have one of the hardest tests...
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