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I got a Wii!?!?!?

I finally, after months of waiting(not really) pick up a Wii at the local Walmart. You can sort of say it was an impulse buy. While I have been wanting to buy a Wii for a while, I really didn't put much effort into finding one. I would sometimes check online retailers to see if I could find one, but to no luck. So it really has been at the back of my mind for a while.

So anyway, I walked into Walmart yesterday to pick up Hot Fuzz and 300(both awsome movies) and what did I happen to see? A whole rack of Wiis just sitting there. I could'nt believe it because these things fly off the shelfs pretty quick. So on pretty much impulse, I bought one along with a extra nunchuke and remote. I am pretty happy with this purchase. Now, how long before anyone can get one from a store without luck?