Well, since I made a blog last year choosing my game of the year, I'll do the same this year and then some. I think I'll start blogging more often though, maybe monthly instead of yearly lol. Anywho, here's what I've been up to...
Watching Anime
- Watched Air. I saw this one randomly and decided to watch it since it's only 13 episodes. It was enjoyable with good themes to it, but it had a weird ending. A little too much paranormal stuff for me really.
- Watched Neon Genesis Evangelion. I had seen this anime recommended so much and I had seen it rated so high that I just had to watch it. It was interesting enough to keep my attention with the enemies being called "Angels", the deep characters, and the weird relationships in the series. However, the ending made pretty much no sense to me and the action was kinda lame. I declare this series overrated!
- Watched Gurren-Lagann. This anime is very, very good. Some members from Nintendo Dream recommended this to me and I was skeptical at first because I hadn't heard of it before. It turned out to be incredible. Great characters, epic speeches, plenty of funny moments, good story, and intense action made this one of my favorite animes ever.
- Watched Avatar. I was also skeptical about watching this because it's a Nickelodeon cartoon and I haven't watched anything from Nick since I was a kid in the 90s. I've seen a couple cartoons on cartoon network that have made me think that cartoons nowadays aren't as good as the ones I grew up watching. This may be true overall, however Avatar really is great. All the good things I said about Gurren-Lagann can be placed here too. The ending was so epic and this show definitely sends out great messages all around.
- Sonic Unleashed. I really watched too much anime to even get to beating my xmas games, which were this one, Okami, Oblivion, Chrono Trigger (DS), Contact (DS), and GTA 4. However, I did manage to beat Sonic Unleashed though and I spent maybe a week doing so. It isn't as bad as nearly everyone says. The werehog levels aren't Sonic, but they aren't really bad either. The game definitely can get frustrating, but nothing's overly challenging. The final boss and one other boss really sucked though. I don't see why it deserves such low review scores though. I would give it at least a 7/10.
- I've played very little of the other games, but they're all pretty good. Okami is awesome looking (artistic) and fun to play so far. Oblivion is something like crack and I'm holding it off until I beat my other games.
2008 Game of the Year
- Super Smash Bros Brawl! I know, I know, why didn't I choose MGS4? or Resistance 2? Well, Brawl almost lived up to the epic hype that I set for it (only thing it missed for me is the online -- but that's a disappointment in all fighting games) and that's a great accomplishment. The offline multiplayer is my favorite ever, as well as its soundtrack.
Can't really say much about this game of the year like last year's because last year's wasn't as hyped up at all. I just bought the pokemon game because I hadn't played Pokemon since Pokemon Silver and I ended up surprised at how good it was.