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#1 blackldragon
Member since 2005 • 1540 Posts

I beat it it took about 18 hours. I loved it had a decent challange to it but the way the game ended just

[spoiler] just leaves you wanting more its one of the best endings ive seen normally I hate endings but they did it right granted a lil cheezy dialoge. [spoiler]

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#2 blackldragon
Member since 2005 • 1540 Posts
You may be thinking more of computer engineering. Computer science has more to do with only the software aspects of computers, like writing programs and what not in all the different languages. You seem to want to deal with the hardware aspect of computers, like installing video cards and processors and all that while trouble-shooting the software? Just look at what degree programs your university has to offer and talk to your counselor about them. You may be more interested in computer engineering than computer science. Research it a bit to see.Ghost_702
Yeah I was just checking some things out on google and some of the stuff they were saying like algorithms, calculus and all that other mathematical stuff just brought alot of questions to mind. What I mostly want to know is if computer enginner is a B.S. or an A.S. program.
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#3 blackldragon
Member since 2005 • 1540 Posts
[QUOTE="spazzx625"]If you want to do Help Desk type stuff, that's not really computer science. Computer science at some schools could mean different things...Why don't you talk to an advisor at your school? I am in an IT degree program, and that's more geared to what you want to do, but not many universities have IT programs.

Yes thats what it I want to do IT Tech. You wouldn't happen to know if they do that in Florida State University. Someone told me that's where the got there B.S. for his MCP.

Can't you just ask a counselor/career advisor at your university? I'm sure they could provide much more useful advice about the courses you should be taking.

I'm not in a uni yet. I'm in a Community College and tbh they people there aren't very helpful or bright...
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#4 blackldragon
Member since 2005 • 1540 Posts

Okay so what I want to do is fix computers. You know be a computer technician, get the A+ certification, MCP, and maybe even the apple one too. However, I am enrolled in Computer Science as my major and have to take alot of calculus, physics, etc. classes. So before I end up going for a B.S. in the wrong field I want to know is Computer Science and Computer technician the same thing or is it completely different. Im starting to have my doubts.

Also, can anyone tell me if universities do anything related to the field I want to go in. Thanks for the help!

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#5 blackldragon
Member since 2005 • 1540 Posts
[QUOTE="Mr_Leonis"]Yes but i'm trying supress my anger only for it to fester. :D No, thats not the best way to handle it. Hope you feel better though.

Oh horrible thing to do which i just found out unfortunetly seems all my years of suppressing my emotions and disgarding my issues finally caught up to me when I accepted that i like someone more then I like anyone, which seems to have affected all my other emotions causing me to be emotionally charged up lately. I got more energy then I know what to do with, its bad because I can get pissed off easier and im generally a cool collected person. As for my day it was great. However I had the ****est weekend of the year I went on a rampage on everyone and everything.
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#6 blackldragon
Member since 2005 • 1540 Posts
I know most of you hate people asking for homework help but I can't find a example of friction in/during a thunderstorm. If anyone would help I would be very grateful. I have tried googling it but I cannot find a staight answer.slip_killer
I believe there is friction with clouds and molecules or something which makes the thunder clap. Sorry I can't think of exactly what it is but I know friction between them cause Thunder.
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#7 blackldragon
Member since 2005 • 1540 Posts
Might wanna find out how to cope or see a psychiatrist. But I'm like you on 7) I do get jeolous that I'm not a great social person, I mean I can talk to people but my mind blanks alot.
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#8 blackldragon
Member since 2005 • 1540 Posts
[QUOTE="Jaguar_Shade"]well my dad is causasion and his ancestry is Australian - Italian my mum is English and her ancestry is Briton? I think that's where her ancestors are from. Maiden name of Bennett if that helps I might have other racial genes in me, I don't know. Interracial babies are cute though :)

Yea most babies are but for some reason when a full white person and full asian come together it seems to fall apart. They just have this weird look to them. But some are alright.
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#9 blackldragon
Member since 2005 • 1540 Posts
[QUOTE="Jaguar_Shade"][QUOTE="Jandurin"] I totally agree with that.II_Seraphim_II
they should grow a fro on their fro :P

You only say that because you've never had a fro. Its a pain to take care of, hard to style, and its very hard to go to a business meeting and look respectable with a fro, unless you have a laser cut sexy Goatee to go with it. Thats why a lot of us spend a lot of money on hair chemicals to perm/relax our hair. And once our hair gets long, its hard to manage. My hair goes down below my shoulders but I always have it in cornrows because its a mess to handle otherwise. And you know whats the worst? If you relax your hair so its long and dangly kinda like white people's hair, all it takes is water to mess that up. I've gone outside with a pony tail came back with an afro. If you have "caucasian/asian" hair, count your blessings. :x

Lol thanks everyone says i should cut it but I say no blades shall touch it, well unless im shaping it up. I don't know how big your fro was but mines not hard to manage at all all i gotta do is just use shampoo and maybe some oil and pick it. What I do to make it easier is to pick it while im washing it that way the naps come out easier and then dry it, and even if I don't do anything with it all I have todo is to use my hands and push back to front (kinda like virgil from DMC3) and it usually shapes itself, unless its flat on one side then I break the pick out. Only real trouble I have is with the back which has broken 5 metal picks so far. I have really thick hair my sis says she wishes I was a girl because of it lol.
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#10 blackldragon
Member since 2005 • 1540 Posts
I'm black most know about my jamaican side but no one ever expects me to have german and indian too.