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Alright... just a few random facts about me, as promised:

1. If I haven't commented in your blog, it's because you haven't commented in mine.

2. If you wonder why I own Photoshop but can't be bothered to make a new signature (my current one is a gift from 3abden in case you don't know) it's really because I'm not that interested in graphic design. I only use it when needed (mainly school projects, usually involving websites).

3. I really dislike the use of deprecated tags in HTML like (b)and (i)as well as (font). (Darn they won't let me use entity codes in here). For this reason I somewhat dislike most web forums. (And yes I hate the HTML editor in GameSpot too.)


[spoiler] 4. Sometimes I like myself for this... sometimes I loathe myself for this. I have split personalities at different times to different people.

5. Most of you probably won't believe it... but I'm an arrogant, perfectionist and elitist but at the same time have low self-esteem (still remains from the depression in the past) and am suffering from psychosis. Sometimes I wonder if it's really a mental illness or it's just me... because while on 1 hand I want to get over with this... on the other hand I like being labelled as insane.

[/spoiler] It feels so much better after finally letting this out. > >