You guys might have realised I've been missing forĀ a couple or so of days and might be wondering why. In case you haven't realised, there has recently been an earthquake of magnitude 7.1 in Taiwan, or more accurately off the shores of Taiwan.
Wondering how this affects me, a Singaporean? Well, basically speaking, that quake damaged several (6 to be exact) undersea cables connecting Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, Phillipines and well Singapore to the US... And what does that mean? Practically all overseas (from my perspective) sites DO NOT WORK AT ALL!
So how am I posting this then? Well, fortunately speaking, the telecom companies have rerouted traffic to other cables. While this works, most of the Internet is still mighty laggy... try to think of a 14.4kbps modem... and this is mainly due to congestion. Ah a pity indeed! :(
In any case, I apologise for not commenting in your blogs... or not posting in the forums... at least not as regularly as I wish I could. I can assure you guys, my friends, though, that once things are back to normal (estimated 3 weeks)... I'll resume my usual on-site activity.
In the meantime, Happy New Year! :)