My ''style'' consists of weirdly connected paragrahps, run-on sentences and general not-caring about whatever makes it look nice. I only ask that you look past that and to the message itself.
These'll be a collection of short (mostly unrelated) topics, divided by white lines, also no pictures.
Sexism in gaming *sigh*.
Stating that the gaming industry is sexist is ridiculous. Notice the industry in gaming industry? when hiring people, do you honestly think they discriminate because an applicant has breasts? Once again, it's an industry, they don't care about your gender, they care about your resumé and your resumé only.
Even suggesting that they care about superficial things like gender is both an insult to the industry as an insult to the intelligence of the interviewers.
Yes, there might be less women in the industry than men, but i don't see how you could immediately conclude there is thus sexism at work. That's like walking into a McDonald's, seeing more whites than blacks and assuming the restaurant is racist.
If you want to advocate fairer treatment of women in the industry, give us some numbers that lead to the logical conclusion that women are being discriminated against and action will be taken. don't just throw around some numbers with so many unknown parameters that the results could be interpreted in a million ways.
My personal dissatisfaction with announcements of titles:
-Old fart gibberish coming up-
Used to be, a game just came out. you went to the store and saw a new game on the shelves. Used to be, the whole game was a brand new adventure, a quarter of it wasn't already spoiled by trailers and whatnot.
These days, a game is announced three years in advance, unnecessarily exciting people with a cool debut trailer and then slapping them in the face with a waiting time of multiple years. It's like showing a dog a bone and then throwing it to another continent.
Stagnation in the industry:
People complain about a culture of sequels coming up, while supporting that same culture they fear.
You know why developers won't be creative? Because we've shown them they don't have to. Every CoD game is plagued by gamers complaining about the little innovation and change, yet those same people still go out and buy that game. We've effectively given up our position to the developer. Developer and consumer need to be equal parties for creative game design. if we're too meek, the dev will take the lazy way out, if the dev listens too much to the consumer, the game will become an abomination, because a large majority of consumers is an idiot.
if we actually didn't buy the next CoD, the developer is forced to change his ways, forced to actually be creative and appeal to us, instead of barely doing to work to qualify as a sequel.
-Sidetrack: Dear CoD, i get it, your multiplayer formula is still addictive, but just adding maps, weapons and perks isn't a new game, it's dlc.
Great idea, great projects for the most part (atheist shoes and christian t-shirts, really?). definitely a boost for indie developers (can't wait for Shovel Knight) when seeing their peers rake in the dough.
I often find myself browsing the projects just to see what's in the works. there are some joke projects (Whale Stapler, Dash Horn etc.) but some are really cool (the pen that allows you to draw in 3D, 0.8mm watch and many more).
Even if you don't plan on pledging any money, just check what's on there, you could easily lose a couple of hours.
Nutcase Fans:
A buyer of bioshock infinite wanted his money back because the game forces you to be baptized in the beginning of the game and he saw it as blasphemy to his deity of choice.
From what i read, they gave him his money back. that's stupid. if the guy is dumb enough to pass on a GOTY contestant because his digital character gets splashed in digital water, while listing to recorded dialogue, that's his problem.
Razor's 90% off:
Razor recently had an unauthorized coupon give UK customers 90% off on their offer. They said they'd lose a ton of money over this (Razor doesn't exactly sell 2$ mousemats), but would honour the deal, because of their consumer-first policty.
That's dumb, Razor. there being nice to consumers and there's being self-destructive. This will cost you a ton of money, seeing as, if i were to know of this, i'd immediately buy their highest end product (Yeah, i'm a cheap scumbag, tell me with a straight face you wouldn't do the same).
-Lower the discount to 20% off and offer an option to cancel your order.
I guess that's it.
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