The test in top left corner reads: TTG x EASY E v2 is a god They messed up the spelling of gay I guess, but oh well. All of these god mode losers got the infection from him, and Microsoft needs to ban his box, tag, and ip's for live. He really needs to get a life, hacking is for chumps who live in their mommys basement until their 49 or so. We need to hunt him down, and beat the sh!t out of him lol
Ugh... I brought Black Ops to a friends house today, and we played for a couple hours. Then at the end of a game, the screen froze, and then the 360 froze. When we turned it on, we checked the disk, and sure enough, a half circle around the edge of my game disk. Nothing was moved, we sat a solid 10 feet from it for the most part, so how did this happen? How can I fix it? And who should I call and complain to? Gamestop where the game is from, treyarch, or Microsoft? Please help! UGH I'M SO PISSED RIGHT NOW.....
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