i have all three current gen systems... so this is not a fanboy comment, but from what ive read i think we are loosing alot of this stuff because of the space an xbox360 disc will hold.. i know there were also rumors that ps3 was the reason for the delay.. but thats just what i think, still cant wait for this game anyway
it doesnt play my in flames - come clarity for some reason it only says there is 1 song... and when i look for cd info nothing is there for in flames... im not really sure why this happens. but plays everything else i have.
ya this is the same action i loved on the pc version.. and also the same angers. damnit i cant beat episode 14 lvl 4 **** you rockets. definately buy this one though its great.
ya this happened to me on september 25th the day halo came out.. i was playing the campaign for a total of 15min and then boom three red lights.. i was pissed. well i turned off the xbox and then back on and it was fine. then 20min later it shuit off again. i then called xbox support to see what could be done and they told me i have to wait until it completely dies before they can take any action on fixing, that angered me because i didnt know how long i had on the warranty. well 3 months pass and it completely dies what ever i did it never came back from the three red lights. so i called them, box was here in 24hrs, and got my xbox back within a week. now going 3 months strong with no worries.
i wanna see a vietnam war game... with rich forests and crazy night time scenes personally i think that would be amazing. By using crysis engine and speedTree it could be done.
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