blazer105's forum posts
I'm not skipping the PS3. I just chose to get a 360 first because I believe it is better than the PS3. I loved the PS2 and didn't really like the original Xbox. Now I like the 360 more than the PS3. Things change. I still plan to get a PS3 though. cloudff7tm
Once you get your ps3, i guarentee you would like it more
Anyone seen this pathetic attempt at at a review forr Killzone 2
here are some quotes, the review starts with an epic fail.
"I waited nearly 25 minutes to start playing this game. There was no progress bar or other device to ease my suffering...just a single flashing word: INSTALLING" - despite the devs sayikng there was no install, optional or mandatory.
"The game spent about 5-10 seconds on a load screen and then gave me a pretty frick'n sweet opening cinematic. It was pre-rendered" - despite devs saying just afew days ago that there is noe pre-rendered CGI.
"The enemy AI is not what it's hyped up to be" -forget all those previews who noted AI as one of the major plus points along with graphics
"When enemies try to flank you, the situation can ALWAYS be solved by simply moving to another piece of cover" - No $#!+
"low resolution textures and poor model quality" - seriously !? :|
"some of the worst lip-syncing and facial expressions in the industry" - No comment.
Oh and just to top it all of they were comparing it to HAZE
Now, i don't know if this review is a joke or not, despite their being an embergo, I just thought you guys would like to know.
wow, its like when a 360 fanboy reviewed the game
you could, but if the connection between people is bad theres no point on watching the movie cuz it would be laggy
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