The following Sunday after PN, we all went to church for Sunday service as usual. However, Lawrence planned a sleepover for the day.
At around 5:50 PM or so, Dad drove me to Lawrence's house. Lawrence lived on the 2nd floor of a house shared with another person or family. I packed my clothes, some of my hygiene items such as allergy medication, toothbrush, WII, Wiimotes, my Gamecube controller, Guitar Hero 3, and the guitar controllers. Gus and Peter were already there.
The people who would go to Lawrence's house were Gus, Peter, Zach, David, John, Mike, Johnny, Sam and me. The people who would actually sleepover were Gus, Peter, Zach, David, John, Sam and me.
We played Mario Kart Wii, Guitar Hero 3, and Wii Sports on my Wii. Peter brought his Wii over, but he did not bring his Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I won with ease in every game except Wii Sports. Someone - I cannot remember who it was exactly - called me the "Wii Master". :lol: I try to be modest.
After a little while of playing games, Lawrence took us out to eat at a Thai restuarant. Apparently, Thai food is known for its spiciness. On the contrary, I know Thai as a disgusting version of Chinese food. I could barely eat anything that was ordered. Everyone else, on the other hand, had no trouble eating their food. I'm never eating Thai food again...
Lawrence managed to squeeze in a QT during the night. Unfortunately and regrettably, we were not very involved in the QT. I wish I had cooperated with Lawrence, who actually put God before the sleepover and games. :(
We all went to bed at 2:30 AM. Peter and David slept on the couch bed, Lawrence slept in one of his rooms, Sam slept in Lawrence's room, Zach slept on the couch, John and I shared a room BUT DIFFERENT BEDS, but I do not know where Gus slept.
We woke up at 5:30 AM - at least I did... I woke up by the sounds of people awake and by John's obnoxious snoring and teeth grinding. Johnny drove me home along with his older brother, Sam and Peter as additional passangers. They were all going to church to help prepare for the annual Memorial Day picnic. I, on the other hand, did not go.
The sleepover was alright.