So, the world's gonna end. Too bad this movie was made before we all die.
People have been predicting the end of the world from quite some time now. Everybody's been wrong so far and hopefully they always will be. But the apocalypse is gold in Hollywood. Now directors get a chance to show off their flashy special effects in something besides comic book movies. And who better to show off visuals than Roland Emmerick. The same Roland Emmerick thatdirected Stargate... I'll never forgive him for that. So, Emmerick decides to tackle doomsday and make it 2 and a half hours. I'm serious,Lawrence of Arabia felt shorter. The movie centers around John Cusack who for some unexplained reason is the limo driver forsome rich Russian guy. Which is odd, because Cusack's character lives in California. Cusack takes his kids to Yellowstone National Park where their greeted by American soldiers andWoody Harrelson dressedas a hermit... :|. It turns out that Harrelson is a radio broadcasterwho lives in a van out at Yellowstone. He tells Cusack aboutthe 2012 theory and then everything starts falling over and blowing up. Oh, and while this is happening, about4 other plots are going on. There's one abouttheworld leaders (mainly the U.S.)handling this.Actually, Danny Glover plays the president of the United States. Another is about these monks in Tibet. Another about this dude in India, and finally one about Forest Whittaker and some other guy being jazz musicians on a cruise ship. Eventually they all come together, but it takes a while. So how does 2012 hold up? The special effects are pretty impressive but the multiple plots are just nuts and there are quite a few things that don't make any sense. Woody Harrelson, Danny Glover, and Forest Whittaker do the best acting jobs by a long shot. The movie isn't exactly bad, but it's certainly not good.