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A Black Ops Milestone, Final Decision, and a Question For All of You

Hello hello hello. I just finished playing some Black Ops with @ShootumUP26 a little while ago, and while he wasn't there to witness the moment, something huge finally happened to me...


After two months of Black Ops, I finally reached 1st Prestige, and I'm actually looking forward to rebuilding myself again online. I thought I was going to do terribly in my first match after prestiging and I actually didn't do that bad.

Well, that's just a small little update, now to get the moderately important stuff.

Well for all eight of you who read my last blog (that's right I said 8!) you know that I'm currently in a bit of a tight spot. I've got two big games that come out this coming Tuesday that I really want, but because of my financial situation, I can only get one for the time being. The two games are Little Big Planet 2 and Mass Effect 2 which is just now being released on PS3. Wel after a lot of thinking over the last two days, I've finally come to a conclusion...

Yes, I've decided to wait for Mass Effect 2 to drop in price and I'm going to pick up Little Big Planet 2 sometime in the next week. After watching some footage and reading reviews, I've decided that I just can't wait any longer to see Sackboy again. This game just looks so massive that I can't ignore it, and I really want those Jak & Daxter skins. But the best part about this game is gonna be doing co-op with ShootumUP26 whom I already mentioned earlier. So, as much as I want Mass Effect 2, Sheppard is going to have to wait a little while, cuz me and Sackboy have a lot of catching up to do.

And finally, I have a favor to ask of you guys. If it's too much trouble, then don't bother.

I'm in need of a new banner. The one that I have right now is decent, but it's not very sharp and I want a banner that's photoshopped so that all of the characters on it blend in perfectly to the background. (I'm know that mentioning him way too much) but ShootumUP26 has just about the best banner out there. I'm talking about something like that that uses some of the characters that are on my current banner. If you have any designs, please PM them to me. And I know that asking kind of a lot out of you guys, so if it's too much trouble, PLEASE don't do it.

Again, thanks and see you all next time on my TOP 10 MOVIES OF 2010 VIDEO!
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D


Song of the Day:
Cookie Monsta -Bliss (yes I'm a Dubhead too)

Picture of the Day: